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All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. HBAM3016AUG95@ ableC aboutC accessC accessesC acknowledgementC addedC additionC additionalC advantageC advertiseC advertisingC couldC dartmouthC databaseC decidedC dedicatedC developersC didn'tC eagerC editorC enhancementsC everythingC featuresC filemakerC filesC findC fixesC fmproC fmpro-lC fortierC forumsC forwardedC fromC functionalityC functionsC gleanC halcyonC ideasC improvementC improvementsC indicatingC individualsC informationC it'sC jamesC jim40erC learnC likeC listC listsC mailC maintainedC managingC manyC muchC normallyC notesC nothingC otherC pleasedC CLASSIFIEDS GENERAL CLASSIFIEDS HEADER CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 1 CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 2 CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 3 CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 4 CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 5 CLASSIFIEDS IMAGE 6 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 1 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 2 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 3 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 4 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 5 CLASSIFIEDS TEXT 6 CLASSIFIEDS TITLE EMAIL APPLICATION EMAIL APPLICATION NAME EMAIL BUILDER EMAIL FORMAT FRONT PAGE SPONSOR IMAGE GLOBAL MESSAGES INTRO TEXT INTRO TITLE ISSUE 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Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Print Section TitleB S="Front Page" S="Section 1" S="Section 2" S="Section 3" S="Section 4" S="Section 5" S="Section 6" S="Section 7" Print Section CopyB S="Front Page" S="Section 1" S="Section 2" S="Section 3" S="Section 4" S="Section 5" S="Section 6" S="Section 7" 1 & " Front Page Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Sponsor Web LinkB LabelsB Section 1 LabelB `="g" `="b" `="i" `="a" Section 1 SettingB Front Page Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 2 SettingB Section 3 SettingB Section 4 SettingB Section 5 SettingB Section 6 SettingB Section 7 SettingB Section 2 LabelB a="g" a="b" a="i" a="a" Section 3 LabelB b="g" b="b" b="i" b="a" Section 4 LabelB c="g" c="b" c="i" c="a" Section 5 LabelB d="g" d="b" d="i" d="a" Section 6 LabelB e="g" e="b" e="i" e="a" Section 7 LabelB Layout FormB Nav Image Form 1B Nav HeaderB pA Nav TitleB Nav Form DisplayB Nav Copy Form 1B f="g" f="b" f="i" f="a" Nav Image Form 2B Nav Copy Form 2B Nav Copy Form 3B Nav Image Form 3B Web Link ISOB Sponsor EmailB Email BuilderB Email FormatB Email ApplicationB Email Application NameB tell application"Claris Emailer 1.0v3" activate create mail subject "Type your message subject here" body "You can set the email application that you use below and click on the send button for your message entered here to automatically sent to that email application. This is an AppleScript solution and is therefore only available for Macintosh users. Currently supported applications are Claris Emailer, Qualcomm's Eudora and the America Online software. The CompuServe setting will only ope 2n the CompuServe CIM. However, clicking the \"send\" button will automatically copy the text of this message so that all you have to do is paste and send from within your email application." recipients {name:"ISO Magazine", address:"", type:0} encoding 0 with save without compress end tell on the send button for your message entered here to automatically sent to that email application. This is an AppleScript solution and is therefore only available for Macintosh users. Currently supported applications are Claris Emailer, Qualcomm's Eudora and the America Online software. The CompuServe setting will only open the CompuServe CIM. However, clicking the \"send\" button will automatically copy the text of this messagBRe so that all you have to do is paste and send from within your email application. Claris Emailer Claris Emailer 1.0v3 by Matt Petrowsky ScriptMaker, FileMaker's backbone. Information about working with ScriptMaker As an ongoing topic I have been covering the different script steps in ScriptMaker and how they would be used in a few situations. If you have not been following this segment then you can go back two issues to this same spot for more information. Last issue covered the Navigation Steps in ScriptMaker. In this section I will break down the Sort/Find/Print steps and the Editing Steptep Browser? Browser? AjSpecial Thanks to Nina Kim MacKenzie for the idea to impliment this script into the issue shells. Thanks!B Huh?t have it!t! In order to view this magazine issue, please locate the ISO Browser on your hard drive.C) OKahgoody. Not Here! The browser can be downloaded for free at: Subscribers B Eurostile Bold Espy Sans Bold Futura Md BT Klang MT N Helvetica Narrow Eurostile BauerBodoni Bauhaus Bd BT Palatino ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" /Y5YY5 /Y__5 5__Y5 Helvetica Geneva Times Monaco Courier Espy Sans New York Chicago Cuckoo D Eurostile Demi Arial Avant Garde B Eurostile Bold Espy Sans Bold Futura Md BT Klang MT N Helvetica Narrow Eurostile BauerBodoni Bauhaus Bd BT Palatino ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Notice: This is ISO issue #<< ABAB>> dated << ABCI>>, in order to read this issue of ISO FileMaker Magazine you need to get a copy of the ISO Browser. The actual issue is within this file so do not discard this file. You need the ISO Browser to view its contents. You can find the ISO Browser on either the ISO Web Site or many of the commercial services. ISO Web Site = http:/ / or you can email ISO at... Browser wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" PVPVPVV UUVVU W V2,,+ +,,VV 2,-22 32-33 23232V 3W332-2-23,32W2 3W332-23232-23 W ,2+, , -2W33WW33W 32VWW W22,2,3WW3W ]]W3322, 2332-2 VW]]WW3WWVW 3WW]W32,32323W3W3W3W33W3W322W ,VW,++ ,P,+,++,+ 2-22,2,,2 ,2-2WVPV WV2VW2, ,,2-2 W22V3V323W ,2WW2 ,,22WV W3VW23W ,33W2PW 2,W2WW 233V3]W32 V2,,+,, ,,223, W2W23 VW33WW 23233W3,233,,2W 233V33W3W] 3WW323-2-2 3-33,2,33]339W] ,,3,3, WW]W2W]^]W33W ,,232,2,, W 3WW] ]2WW3232,2,2 ]33]W ,3, , 3"2-23233W332W]] WV3WW 2-2,, V2V3W]W, +,,23, 3%233W]X]W,,2 VV223W]2 9W33,, ,,2W33, ]3W]]32, VP,2W]W, 3 ,2, ,,2W33, 3#W33W9X]]WW,2WV ,2WW3, 23322 #+,,+, ,,23W3,3, ]3W3WW9W3^W,,+, ,,2W]33233-33W]W332-3-2WW] W]W32 399:3:339X]^]X9W3W]]2, +,WW]W3W 239WW]W9 33433 43933]9W]X]^]W9 ,+,W]W]]WW O+O++,,2,22,+ 33W9W3W33 3393:W^]X^]]^]W^]^]WWV+ W]W33 ]^^]]^^ W]WW]] , 2,3V2 -,3233-, 233933] ,22,+ 2,2,, ,,2,33- 3'^]^ +2]WW2 +VWWV+,V ,,V22,2,2+ ,-3,, ,2339^3]^ +WV2, 3,,2, ,, ,- 22W]W^] ,^]WW ,2,22,, W2W3, ^]^]] W]]3WW2+ +]W+W OyUVyzz *+O+* zyzUyUO UO++* Vyyzz O+O*+ +O+UO yVyzz yVUzUU releaseC releasedC remainderC repliesC replyC reportedC reportsC requestC requestedC requestingC requestsC requireC requiringC resourcesC respondC responsibleC responsiveC returningC reviewC reviewedC reviewsC safeC sameC saveC savingC scriptC scriptingC scripting/statusC scriptmakerC scriptsC scrollC searchesC seemC seenC sendC seniorC senseC separateC serverC serviceC servicesC severalC shouldC simplyC singleC blindC blueworldC bonusC bordersC bornC briefC browseC browserC bugsC bugs/problemsC buildC buildingC businessC buttonC james fortier senior managing editor jim40er halcyon cakeC callableC calledC categorizedC clairvoyanceC clarisC clearC clearlyC collectedC com/forms/filemakerpC com/jim40erC com/jim40er/apps/fffC commentsC communityC compilableC compress/encodeC consistingC constructedC constructionC contactC containingC containsC contributeC copyingC corporationC correctlyC couldC countsC tellC textC thankC thatC theirC themC thenC thereC theseC theyC thisC thoseC timeC toolC toolboxC toolsC trackingC transferC trippedC turnedC typeC typesC unfortunatelyC unofficiallyC upgradedC userC usersC usingC variationsC verifiedC versionC veryC viewC voiceC washingtonC waysC we'reC weekendC welcomeC wellC wentC wereC whatC whenC whereC whetherC whichC whileC wholeC willC wish-listC withC work-aroundC work-aroundsC wouldC wroteC www2C yourC namesC natureC neededC netiquetteC newlyC non-tabC normallyC not-verifiedC noteC notesC nothingC numberC octoberC offerC officialC officiallyC oftenC omitsC onlyC ontoC otherC overC pageC pagesC palettesC partiesC pathsC patienceC peopleC permissionC personC personalC phoneC placeC pleasantC pleaseC pleasedC portalC portalsC createC createdC currentC dartmouthC dataC databaseC databasesC davorC dealC decidedC dedicatedC definitionsC delimitedC dependingC descriptionC designC detailC determineC developerC developersC dialogsC dickC didn'tC directC directlyC directoryC diskC disksC disseminateC documentationC doingC downloadC downloadsC duringC e-mailedC eachC eagerC easilyC editorC editorsC emailC enableC encounteredC enhancementsC ensureC enterC enteredC enteringC entryC everC everythingC exactC expectC exportC extractedC extremelyC factC feasiblyC featureC featuresC feedbackC feelC fetchC fieldC fieldsC fileC filemakerC filesC filevilleC findC find/omitC findingsC findsC firstC fixedC fixesC fixesfeaturesC fmproC fmpro-lC fmpro/fmpro-lC formattedC formsC fortierC forumsC forwardC forwardedC foundC frequentlyC friendC siteC sitesC skeletonC softwareC sometimesC soonC sortingC sortsC spaceC specialC statusC stillC structureC structuresC stuffit/binhex4C subjectC subjectsC submissionC submittedC subscribersC suchC sufficientC suggestingC suggestionC suggestionsC summarizedC summaryC supportC surpriseC systemC takeC takenC technicalC theseC thisC thoseC timeC toolC toolboxC toolsC trackingC transferC trippedC turnedC typeC typesC unfortunatelyC upgradedC userC usersC usingC variationsC verifiedC versionC veryC viewC waysC we'reC weekendC welcomeC wellC wentC wereC whatC whenC whereC whichC wholeC willC wish-listC withC work-aroundC work-aroundsC wouldC wroteC www2C yourC fromC frostingC fullC functionalityC functionsC gettingC givenC gleanC glimpseC gobbledC goodC grantC grantingC graphicC greatestC growthC guidelinesC halcyonC hardC haveC havingC hearC helpfulC hereC homeC honingC horizontalC hostC htmlC httpC hunchC ideasC illustrateC import/exportsC improvementC improvementsC includeC indexC indicateC indicatingC individualC individuallyC individualsC informationC inputC installationC installedC interestC internetC intoC introducingC it'sC itemsC jamesC jim40erC jumpC jureticC justC keepC keyboardsC knowC knownC largeC latchC latestC layoutC learnC learnedC learningC lengthC librariesC likeC linksC listC listsC livesC localC longC lookingC macintoshC madeC magazineC mailC mailingC maintainedC maintainingC maintainsC makeC makesC managingC manyC masterC me'sC membersC mergeC message/inputC messagesC methodC mightC minimalC moreC mostC muchC myselfC nameC personalC placeC pleasantC pleasedC portalsC Advertise your FileMaker goods You could increase your exposure. ISO is read by thousands of readers. They all have one thing in common - they use FileMaker. Make sure they know what you have to offer. Send email for advertising rates. FileMaker Stuff on our Web Site!! Visit our web site for cool files and FileMaker related information! ClickWare provides custom database development to the likes of NASA, Rockwell, Disney, Kinko's, Apple and Claris, AND puts out powerful, easy-to-use and cheap FileMaker Pro 3.0 solutions! ClickHelp! (tm) Are you tired of creating dozens of layouts, "external" scripts and other "voodoo" just to create online help? If so, check out ClickHelp! This product will hey're there for your use! Nick Chapin is President of AtlantiSoft, the database development division of AtlantisCorps. "AtlantisCorps, Fostering Personal and Professional Growth." Nick can be contacted at ## END ## to for more information. FREE Classified Advertisements - Get your FREE ISO Advertisement. You may currently submit your classified advertisement for publication in ISO. ISO is read by thousands of readers around the world. It's on all the commercial services and the Internet at Claris Web. We are even going out on CD-ROMS. Increase your exposure, find users for your shareware. If they don't know it exists, it might as well be collecting dust! postedC postsC practiceC pressC previewC printingC privateC problemsC processC productC productsC programC promotionalC provideC providedC providerC provider'sC publicC publiclyC purposesC questionC questionsC ratherC readC readersC readingC readyC realC realizedC receiveC receivedC recognizedC recordC recordsC redmondC releasedC remainderC repliesC replyC reportedC reportsC requestC requestedC requestingC requestsC requireC requiringC resourcesC respondC responsibleC responsiveC returningC reviewC reviewedC reviewsC safeC sameC saveC savingC scriptC scriptingC scripting/statusC scriptmakerC scriptsC scrollC searchesC seemC seenC sendC seniorC senseC separateC serverC serviceC servicesC severalC shouldC simplyC singleC afterC againstC alleysC allowC alreadyC alsoC analyzeC and/orC anonymousC anotherC anyoneC appreciateC aroundC askingC assistC assistanceC assistingC assuredC attentionC auto-tabbingC automaticallyC availableC avoidingC awareC backC barsC basedC basisC bbeditC becauseC becomeC beginningC beingC belowC rowseC browserC bugsC bugs/problemsC buildC buildingC buttonC james fortier senior managing editor jim40er halcyon cakeC callableC calledC clairvoyanceC clarisC clearlyC collectedC com/forms/filemakerpC com/jim40erC com/jim40er/apps/fffC commentsC communityC compilableC compress/encodeC consistingC constructedC constructionC contactC containingC containsC contributeC copyingC couldC countsC ]WW]] 3WW]WW W2,+,2 ]W22V3WW, VP,,WW WWVP2PWW W2,2WW Your Image Counts!!! - Set your writing on fire! Websites and newsletters are nothing without good content. Cool graphics need good writing to make your readers want to come back to your site again and again. CM Copyediting is staffed by experience writers and editors who tackle your copy and provide polished writing that delivers your message. Count on our fast turn around. Send inquiries about our fees and services to CSA Italy for Italian FileMaker Users - Claris Solu e're at nd asset accounts. Oh yeah, one other thing, you can export directly to Quicken (R) or QuickBooks (R) DIRECTLY from ClickCheck! Available March 1, 1996 - send email to to be put on the list for pre-orders! FREE demo versions of ClickHelp! and ClickStyle are available from our Web Site , from the Claris support area on America Online (keyword: Claris), or from the Claris Web Site . We accept Visa, Mas terCard, checks and money orders. To order simply fill out the order form found in the demo, and mail or fax it in. All files are delivered ELECTRONICALLY via email! Email: Technical Questions: FileMaker News/Gossip/Announcements: Come Visit Us! We've got one of the largest collection of tips and tricks for FileMaker users. We're at Internet WebSurfers! Are you one of the millions that surf the net? Do you use the Internet standard Netscape? Is your Bookmark list WAY TOO CROWDED? Well, flex your data muscle with the power of URL Grabber. It uses AppleScript, Netscape and FileMaker to handle all of you URL collection needs. Macintosh netsurfer will love the power to control their URL collections. Find your free copy of the fully functional database on AOL, Compuserve or the Claris Web. For more information about thiB s neat little solution contact Matt Petrowsky P.S. It has a nice cool interface if you just want to check it out. LE TOOL BAR! You can now pick and choose the functions YOU want allow you to make context sensitive help in ANY FileMaker Pro 3.0 file with 1 field, 1 script and 2 relationships. You can have as many files referenced in EACH "Help" file you create, you have UNLIMITED distribution rights for AS MANY projects as you want, AND it's only $35.00! Available for Mac & Windows. Requires FileMaker Pro 3.0. ClickStyle (tm) ClickStyle is a word processor-like file, complete with a FULLY CONFIGURABLE TOOL BAR! You can now pick and choose the functions YOU want to appear. There are 25 tool ribbon buttons each with a possible 43 functions! This file is available in two versions; version #1 costs $19.00 (you don't have access to fields, scripts, or layouts), version #2 is FULLY UNLOCKED and costs $35.00. Available for Macintosh only! Requires FileMaker Pro 3.0 and AppleScript 1.1. COMING SOON! ClickCheck (tm) is a full-featured checking template set that includes multiple accounts, support for bank accounts, cash accounts, credit card accounts, a Time Is Money! If you offer professional services to people around the world you probably know the WWW is a great place to market your services. The challenge is: how do you divide your time between Marketing your services and actually Performing them. Let Kudosnet free up your valuable time by marketing on the Internet for you! Kudosnet specializes in creating, maintaining, and marketing web sites. We can provide you with space under the Kudosnet domain, or setup your own domain with yo We provide ftp service, customer service tools, convenient email addresses for your business, and more. Best of all, we will play an active role in attracting new clients to your site to preview your services and bring business to you! Contact us today to find out what Kudosnet can do for you! or visit :2]d]c:c^d9c^c:c^c:c]@]@]d9 3 44 oasis is a Mac-Based Internet service provider; we use what you use. In most cases, we can host your FileMaker(R) database on the Web without altering your existing files. Or, work with our team of developers to design custom solutions from scratch. Our services can be tailored to suit your current and future needs with competitive and affordable monthly fees. Infoasis Send any inquiry's to, or contact Jason Seeber ( at 415.459.7991 Ext. 104 InfoaCMsis 534 Fourth Street Suite 2 San Rafael, CA 94901 415.459.7991 415.459.7992 titive and affordable monthly fees. Infoasis Send any inquiry's to, or contact Jason Seeber ( at 415.459.7991 Ext. 104 Infoa e^::^::^:: :^^:: ^:^:^:^^:^:^^: :^:^^: :^:^^:^: :^^:^^ T*TTN dcdcdd ]89d9d9 d]@]d]@]cc^d?^] dcdcdd 34:44 ^:^:^^d^e^ _d^^_^ ^:^:: ^:^:^ 4:4:^ ^::^:^^_ ^::^:^:^:^:^:: e:^:^:^::^:^:^:^ :^:^d_ ^:^:^:^^:^:^:^:^:^::^ ^::^::^:^:^:^:: ::^^::^^::^:^ _d_^_:^:_d ^::^^:^: Y4--.-. --.4 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 FRPTH FPTHAFMACINTOSH HD:DESKTOP FOLDER:NEW ISO BROWSER:MAIL MESSAGES:AOL MAIL ISO MSPCA NAMEA AOL Mail ISO RPTHA-:::NEW ISO BROWSER:MAIL MESSAGES:AOL MAIL ISO (LIST LISTAPFront Page Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA:Claris Emailer Qualcomm's Eudora America Online CompuServe VDEFA( Print Section Selection ListB Label SettingsC Email Application ::;44 ,,_^^ _^_W+ 4;4;4 34:^43 2,,^::44 33443 ^;44: 4::3 4:^:^:^ 44::4 ,299cW] 44:44::9 :4^4::]cc]c^ ]:]]cc 4::]c wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 z"yVyVyzU zVyzyz zyVUzy yVzUz zzyVzVzVzUzyzUUVyzUz UzUyzUz zyyzUz yzUzUUz zUyVyVyzy ?cc@]d9^9]:]c:c9c:]:c9d]:c]@]@]?(d?c9d]@]?^?c9d]@c9c@]?c:c]@]?^?c9d?^?]?^c !Gc^c:d]d:c^?^c:c]?^c]d9d:]^?^?c:c^9c^^?^c:c9^:c@]?^]9^c^@cc:cd]@ -9ddcd^^ dcdcd] d]^c]W3 d]c^cd 9]d9]^c9c^c^:]^?]dcdcc@]c^d9cdc:d9dc:c]d]@^(]^:c:c]@]c^:c:c]:d]^?^^?^?]d]?^^c:]c^@]?^ $Hc:c]?^?]@]d9d]@^c:@]?^?c@]d9^c] O+O++O UzUzy UOO+O*+O zzUzy OUUOUU zzVyy zVVzV OOUOU OUUVz UzVVUVz OUOUU UzVyz yUzUz ++O+UOUOU UUOUO O+O+O +Ockj O+#+*+U N+O*+O UzUzzyz yUUOO O++O*+O VO+*+ O+O+O O+*++O+ UOUOUU zyVzUzy UOUUO OO+O+V Uzzyz O+O+O +*OOU UUzyzz yVyUO OO*+O+ 9cjdc] *++OOUO zzUzU O+O+*O O*O+O zUzUyU O*+O+UO OUOUUzU UVyzy yVyyz *O+O+OU OUzUzyy zzyVy tions Alliance is now available in Italy, giving access to a lot of information and technical issues as well as to the FileMaker Pro SDK.Find us at . We've got information about the Italian CSA and how to join it, as well as tips, tricks and the official developer's directory, and, last but not least, an ISO mirror page in Italian. Contact: Riccardo Canetta - CSA Italy email Promote your FileMaker Solution - New source for promot ing your FileMaker solutions. FileVille ... a point of information for FileMaker Pro products. Visit to view our solutions directory or contact Dick Honing for more information 101 FileMaker Tips & Tricks - Clickware ( has just announced that it will be releasing a new database that is full of FileMaker Tricks and Tips. The pricing is $19.95 and is coming out on May 15th. Be sure and check in for you copy. Send email the keyword being tested, desired background color containers, calculation fields and a global variable. The fields we will be working with are: Field Type Options Name Text Indexed gColors Global Container, Repeating WhichColor Calculation Number, =If(RightWords(Name,1)="Folder",1,2) BackColor Calculation Unstored, =GetRepetition(gColors, WhichColor wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" yzzUzVyVyVyVyVyVyVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVUzUVyVyVyVyVyVyVyVyV yyVzUVyUzU yVyUUyVz VyUVy UzUVyU zyVUyU UOUUOU OUOUOUOUOU OUOUOUO UOUOz OUOUOUOUOUOOUOU zUyVyz ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 2VUOU 8228V 8V2\8 UUV82 \2282 VUzUz +yVzU+ VyVyVyVy OVzUz V\32V yOUV8 OUV82 8V8OOU28V 28\8\238V \28UsOU 2*V28228 yVyVzUz+ W{WWX zUzUzUz UzUz+ wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 d_;^d after@ blind@ create@ fetch@ from@ illustrate@ names@ posted@ release@ site@ tell@ SECTION 1 IMAGE SPONSORS_CONTRIBUTORS wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" 8V8V8 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 *+O++ U+O++*+*+ UOO++N++ yUUOO yzzUy OO*++* __5Y_ _55Y_ ;Y55Y XXYXX _Y5Y_ _Y5Y_ _XYXXYX 55Y__ wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Y55Y_ XYXXYX ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 }&The definitive FileMaker Pro resource! Products & Classifieds Resources related to FileMaker Publish your FileMaker(R) Database on the Web with Infoasis. Now you can publish your existing FileMaker(R) Pro databases on the World Wide Web. Allow users to search, modify or add records to your database with whatever security or restrictions you desire. Update your database files over the Internet at anytime. Ideal solutions for: * Product catalogs * Secure private databases * Response forms * Information lists * Surveys * Directories * Image databases * Discussion groups }&The definitive FileMaker Pro resource! Products & Classifieds Resources related to FileMaker ibuted by top FileMaker developers world wide. - FileMaker resources and developer tools - Searchable index of CD contents - Just about anything FileMaker we can get our hands on! PRICING: CD price is $39.99 US + shipping. But don't worry. Right off the bat you'll get your money's worth because of the many open/free shareware packages that range from $10-$35 dollars. Plus TONS of freeware tips that would cost you hundreds to glean from books and seminars! DISCOUNTS, SUBMISSIONS & SOLUTIONS: Get $$$ off the price of the CD when you submit file(s) to be included*! Deadline for submissions is the first week of December. Without your submissions the FileMaker world would be pretty dull. Each contributor to the "Everything FileMaker" CD will be given a significant discount if their product or solution is selected to be included on the CD. The quality of this CD will be very high. Unfortunately, we cannot include every solution that is sent in to ISO. We already have *HUNDREDS* of megabytes....and that is compressed! Contributors need not be developers! If you have anything that would be useful to other people then lets us have a look. Who knows, you may have a real winner! Solutions Developers, IMPORTANT INFO! - You should include your solution on the CD that will define the standard for all CDs carrying the name FileMaker. CD distribution will cover a large number of potential customers. I cannot tell you how many requests ISO gets for s olutions because people do not want to reinvent the wheel. This is not a developer only CD. This CD will appeal to *all* FileMaker users. Get your solution on this CD! Whether professional developer or hobbyist user, for more information about submitting your solution please send to * Discount applies to only those file(s) that are selected to be included on the CD and does not apply to all submissions made to ISO Productions. Sincerely, ISO Productions UOUOUO OUOUOUO zUzUz +O++O O+O+O OUOUOy UVyVy O++O+O +N+N++O+N+OV U+N++N+N+O+N+N+ ++O+N yVUzVy ++O++*+*+*+* *O*O* N++*O *O*O*+*O++ O++*+O *+O+*+N UOOU+O+O++*+ corporate an almost unlimited number of sounds into an interface. This means that different buttons can have different clicks, whoops, and whirs without your database getting large. All your sounds can be kept in one sound library database, allowing all of your other databases to relate to it and use these sound techniques. This is where there will be different problems for different platforms. That is, I will shortly describe the process for getting a sound into a field on a Mac, bu t I do not know how this is accomplished under the IBM system. Consult your manual for instructions on how to do this. Importing sound into FileMaker On a Mac, you can get a sound into a field by following these simple steps: 1. Put the sound file you like into your system suitcase. 2. Open your FileMaker sound library database and switch back to the Finder. 3. Open your Sound, or Monitors & Sound control panel, and make sure you are on the Alert Sounds dialog. 4. For each soun ]88VUU\y[V 22UU\UU\2 Uy2[zU VUy\UVyU 22,OUPsUO sUO,V Py+2V 22OyPO +OUyyVUO+2V yUOO,22 OOUsy V22+OUssUO,2Vz wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" OyUUOO%,22 2%OUUyz ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 "Everything FileMaker" CD ROM F R O M I S O P R O D U C T I O N S Web page with full details: The *MOST* comprehensive FileMaker CD, titled "Everything FileMaker" will be here in January (We're working on it as we speak so don't send email wanting to order just yet...soon!). This CD will be available from ISO Productions, the publisher of the super popular ISO FileMaker Magazine for FileMaker users. Release date is scheduled for the January 7- 10 MacWorld trade show. GOODIES INCLUDED: On the CD you will find all of the quality items that you would expect from ISO Productions. Aside from many MEGABYTES of FileMaker information and files look for these items! - All back issues of ISO contained in the latest ISO Browser - All ISO BONUS (tutorial) files and more... - Shareware software useful to FileMaker users and developers - TONS of Tips & Tricks contributed by well known FileMaker developers - FileMaker solutions contr ase send email to and request the "Professional Subscription" file to find out all of the many things that come with the "Professional Subscription". Annual fee is currently $50. OUR MISSION: Purposes of this production include: promotion of templates and FMP solutions; dissemination of FileMaker Pro Tips and Tricks; valuable FileMaker support information; job opportunities; and other newsworthy information relating to the database software FileMaker Pro as distribute d by Claris Corp. Your contributions will help ISO grow to serve you better. For correspondence, template announcement, editorial submissions or questions, contact: LEGAL INFORMATION: ISO FileMaker Magazine is a service provided to the FileMaker Pro developer and user community. We, ISO Productions, as moderators of this project are not employees of, nor do we receive or have the access to disseminate proprietary information of the company Claris Corp. All copyrights, trademarks and registrations are the property of their respective owners. By submitting tips or other information to FileMaker Pro ISO, either directly or otherwise, you agree that ISO Productions and its affiliates and licensees can reproduce, publish, display, and distribute your information worldwide in all print and electronic media and in all other forms, manner and media now known or hereinafter devised. All editorial submissions that are published will include author's name and ema il address unless otherwise specified. Article proposals and submissions are all welcome. ISO will not be held responsible for lost manuscripts or any supporting files. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission by ISO Productions. Send permission and reprint requests to Matt Petrowsky at Distribution of ISO to other parties is limited to preview purposes only and may not be done without prior consent of ISO Productions. ## END ## R. Fortier---- ISO Graphics & Interface Matt Petrowsky------ ISO Copy Editor Darryl Caldwell----- & Amy Morrison ISO Web Site Administrator Paul Evad ---------- SUBSCRIPTIONS: ISO is a paid publication. New subscribers can elect to try out the three (3) month trial of ISO FileMaker Magazine. The paid subscription to ISO is the "Professional Subscription". This option includes many more extras that are only available to paid subscribers. Ple ISSUE#19 WRITERS: Matt Petrowsky ----- John Krische ------- Beverly Voth-------- Lorne Walton-------- Jon Rosen----------- James R. Fortier---- Nick Chapin--------- ISO STAFF: ISO Editor-in-Cheif Matt Petrowsky------ ISO Senior Managing Editor James R. Fortier---- ISO Graphics & Interface Matt Petrowsky------ ISO Copy Editor Darryl Caldwell----- & Amy Morrison ISO Web Site Administrator Paul Evad ---------- SUBSCRIPTIONS: ISO is a paid publication. New subscribers can elect to try out the three (3) month trial of ISO FileMaker Magazine. The paid subscription to ISO is the "Professional Subscription". This option includes many more extras that are only available to paid subscribers. Ple can be very powerful if thoughtfully implemented. What AutoFind Does AutoFind needs two related files to work its magic. The first, Main, is a navigational file only; it doesn't contain any records. The secondary file is where all your data resides; in my example it's a contact file. The AutoFind function is initiated when the user clicks on a "Find" button. Taken to a different layout (not neccessary-this is just how I've done it), a script loops while it waits for the use r to type in a find criteria consisting of two characters only. Once the criteria matches data in the related file the user is taken to that file and the related record via the "Go to Related Record" script step. If more than one record is found, a self-joining portal is displayed with the choices. You'll find everything discussed in this article in the accompanying files (along with a few bonus scripts). Take them apart to see how they work. The implementation is simple, but can pr ove to be a real time-saver in your solutions. The Fields Before beginning, you must create some new key fields in your two files. The first field within your Main file will be defined as an indexed text field called "Find...." The second field is a calculation field called "Match." The calculation is: Left(Find..., 2). In the second file you'll create fields for first and last names, a calculation field that concatenates those two fields, and an indexed "MatchField" field with the calculation of Left(FullName, 2). With the addition of a few other basic fields, your done. The Relations Now you need two relationships from your Main file to your secondary file. The first relationship is the "Match" relationship. It's purpose is to match the search criteria with the "MatchField" field in the secondary database. The relationship should look like this: Find...=::MatchField. The second relationship directs the AutoFind script specifically its loop step. This "Related" relationship looks like this: Match=::MatchField. You'll also want a self-joining relationship in your secondary file. This should relate "MatchField" to itself. The Scripts Here's where the fun begins. Create a script in your Main file called "AutoFind." It should read something like this: Allow User Abort [Off] Go to Layout ["Find"] New Record/Request Go to Field ["Find..."] Set Field ["Find...", "Find..."] Exit Loop If ["not IsEmpty(Find...) a nd Left(Find..., 2) = Match::MatchField"] Pause/Resume Script [0:00:01] End Loop Go to Related Record [Show only related records, "Related"] Delete Record/Request [No dialog] Go to Layout ["Main"] Toggle Window [Hide] Perform Script [Sub-scripts, External: "Contacts" (Number Found)] In your secondary file create the "Number Found" script to direct which layout the user is taken to. It should look like this: If [Status (CurrentFoundCount) = 1] Go to Layout ["Singles"] Go to Lay out ["Multiples"] End If What The Scripts Do The "AutoFind" script creates a new (temporary) record so that the user may enter find criteria. (Remember, this is a navigational file without any records in it. There must be at least one record in a file before a field can be entered.) The real action takes place in the Loop steps. First we set the "Find..." field to itself; if the data in the field has changed since the last loop we can account for that change. Then we check to see if the field is empty; if so we continue with the loop. If not, we can check for the next criteria to exit the loop. If the first two characters in the "Find..." field match any record in the data file using the "MatchField" field as criteria, the user is taken (unseen) to the related record in that file. If not, the script pauses for data entry and loops again. Once the match is made and the related record is found, we delete the temporary record in the Main file, go to the "Main" layout (so it looks nice when we return), and hide the window so we can see the other file. The "Number Found" script is a directional script that takes the user to the appropriate layout, depending on how many records were found. The Drawbacks There are a few problems with this function, as I'm sure you'll discover. If one types too fast, one could be typing while the script checks itself, rather than during the pauses. This results in missed characters. Another inherent problem is that the AutoFind function checks for two characters only; any more and you must delete them as the script will wait in perpetuity. These problems await someone with greater skills than I to solve. Conclusion The AutoFind function is a great timesaver in large relational databases. I've used it in two different solutions in two different ways; both worked well and added a professional touch to the databases. If you have any questions, be sure to tear apart the included files; t simple, logical to set up and can be extremely versatile in it's application. First, I wish to thank Clickware's Bob Cusick for a variation of this method used in his "101 FileMaker Tips" template. Objective During the display of multiple records (BONUSIDX.FP3), I wanted to show any records with the name field containing the word "Folder" as a neutral gray color and the remaining records as white. The process would have to calculate the correct background color for each record. Field Definitions We need to set up a few fields to contain the keyword being tested, desired background color containers, calculation fields and a global variable. The fields we will be working with are: Field Type Options Name Text Indexed gColors Global Container, Repeating WhichColor Calculation Number, =If(RightWords(Name,1)="Folder",1,2) BackColor Calculation Unstored, =GetRepetition(gColors, WhichColor r5MacWorld Highlights & FileMaker takes surfing lessons by Nick Chapin AutoFind Your Data AutoMatically Utilizing Scripts and Relations to Find Your Related Data A while back someone posted a wonderful little file that helped us all create a type-ahead feature. It utilized a simple relationship to a secondary file, along with a few new fields. I've expanded upon this idea by creating a way to automatically find data from within a related file by entering just a few characters. Although this sounds simple enough, it ,2P,, ,,2VW WW]W,W],,W2W] The Name field will contain records such as: Record 1: Charts Folder (background = gray) Record 2: Bar.FP3 (background = white) Record 3: Percent.FP3 (background = white) The gColors field is defined as a container field and will hold the color patterns we will use for the background colors. It must be defined as a repeating global field with each repeating cell containing a color pattern that will be displayed. The first cell contains the neutral gray color and the second repeating cell will containing the white color. Colors can be copied into the container cells using a screen copier like "Flash-it". Add as many repeating cells as required by the colors you wish to display. A useful trick for copying color patterns, is to extend the footer part (layout mode) and set it to the desired color using the left control panel and then copy a 1/4 inch square using Flash-it. The color can be directed to the clipboard with Flash-it preference settings and then pasted into the container cells. The ISO Issue #17, 256COLOR.FP3 and Issue #18, MEGACOLR.FP3 (password required) Bonus Files contain color patterns that can be copied and pasted into the gColors repeating container field cells. The WhichColor field holds the numeric result of the Name field test. By testing the last word in the Name field, the calculation sets the value of WhichColor field to 1, providing the right word of Name is "Folder", and to 2, if the resulting value of the calcul ation is not "Folder". These values correspond to the repeating cells of the gColors container, 1 for gray and 2 for white. The calculation of the WhichColor field is entered as: =If(RightWords(Name,1)="Folder",1,2) The BackColor field is a calculation container field containing the background color for the current record using the following calculation: =GetRepetition(gColors, WhichColor) If WhichColor is 1, the gray color is copied into the record BackColor field and if WhichCol or is 2, the white color is copied into the record BackColor field. The final step of this process is to create the layout fields which will display the calculated colored patterns. Layout Fields The key layout field must be created to display the background colors and will point to the BackColor field. Create a new field and select BackColor, then format the field as a standard field with a behavior as "No Entry". This next step is very important. Format the field as a graphic wit h "Reduce or Enlarge" turned on. This will cause the 1/4 inch color pattern to expand to fit the BackColor field regardless of it's size. The layout BackColor field must be placed in the correct position on the layout. It must be in front of any other background graphics and behind all fields used as record display fields. A little shuffling with the Arrange menu items will place it at the correct level. Finally, all record display fields background color must be turned OFF (transparent ) to allow the BackColor field to show it's colors through the display fields. Test and Simplify Now that all the fields have been defined and the desired results should be tested. The Bonus File has been set up to display the background colors using the method described above and it works as designed. You can see exactly what is happening by creating and placing in the Header Part: 1. A layout field assigned to gColors with the Field Format set to two repetitions. 2. A layout field assigned to WhichColor. 3. A layout field assigned to BackColor. Go to the Browse mode and select folder records and the non-folder records. You can see the calculated values change along with the background color. Now ask yourself, "Is there a way I can stream-line this procedure?" The answer is "Yes, there is." We are carrying a little more bagage than needed by including the WhichColor field. The same result can be achieved by including this calculation directly into the Back Color field as follows: =If(RightWords(Name,1)="Folder",GetRepetition(gColors,1), GetRepetition(gColors, 2)) Therefore, the WhichColor field can be eliminated all together. A BackColor#2 field has been provided to test this simplified procedure by assigning the BackColor#2 field to the layout background field object. The moral to this story is, "Always try to simplify your script steps by combining your calculations." The result will be easier to understand, maintain, overhead reduce d, and process time much faster. Summary The BONUSIDX.FP3 file containing this routine, catalogs all user submitted files and templates contributed to ISO from Issue#01 to Issue#18. Please take the time to review this Index file. Bonus File submissions range from extremely useful "Tips and Tricks" and AppleScripts to FileMaker Pro templates. The Bonus files also include tools you use to submit articles for ISO magazine publication. Good luck and always Show Your True Colors! s File: BONUSIDX.FP3 James R. Fortier is the ISO Senior Managing Editor and lives in Redmond, Washington. Jim maintains a web page dedicated to FMPRO and FMPRO-L mail list members at: ## END## o extend the footer part (layout mode) and set it to the desired color using the left control panel and then copy a 1/4 inch square using Flash-it. The color can be directed to the clipboard with Flash-it preference settings and then entered in three records to illustrate what you might make out of it without little or no extra work: a basic contacts database that allows for mailing labels, form letters, envelopes, and a list of contacts. The real template, of course, would contain no data... unless you have a reason for making it otherwise. The Fields The first thing FMPro asks for when you're creating a new database is field definitions. Go to the field definition dialog by pressing command-shift-D. That shou ld be control-shift-D on a Windows machine. The template contains a number of fields which again take it beyond mere template toward a flat-file contacts database. Your template need not contain any of the name, address and phone fields, which are provided for illustrative purposes only. Every database record should have a unique identifier. This is especially important when relational considerations are taken into account, but the concept has merit even with flat-file databases. One 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 *!NTU ~TT** ~TT** zz{ztutz{ zttOIO ttOIHIOPPtt{ tOII$I$$%PPt{{ {ttPPz ||{|uuv v#|v|| zzuzt ||v|| {tzttz{ RX}YwYwY}Y|X X}X}Y}YY|Y RX||}| yyxxyxy |X}Y} }X}SY Xw|Y}SYSYSY} hChChDhbbc zyzzUzV hCDh=bb bhbcc] hghghg yxyy hbbcc]^^|^X| Y |X| ^|Y}YSYS|X gDhDihD Dhhihi Dhhbicc ]3]]ccdcciEh ici>iD icihiDD iijEiEEi hDCCDD {QP{QtQ P{{QQ{W|WW{ WX4^X44X4^^ ddjFEiEE [\[\U[ PW{W{ :]^X:X:4^4: jdEiF uP{Qz{ PPVPVP UVVU\ \[[\V ]d]]d {QW{{ {||{|| WX4X44X:Y^ [VU\V\V\ |W|W|{| {WPW| Y;_^^ [\[[\V VzVVz) W{|{|{ Y;_;^^_d \[[\U Pz{W{W{ |W{X{| _Y:__ {{QPQu Vz!Vz QW{{X{W| _^_d@ddj {uPQPuP XX|Y_}_Y_Y_ zVPV{ {z{z{z{ {,P|{ W^X^XY5X z{zz{ { X|XY|Y W|W|X WW^X^_Y_ \[[\\ |X|XYXYY d]dd]d ||{|| Y5_^] ||{||{ PPW|{ WW4X:XX^Y_5 eed3^dd d3:^ed |^||X ]92V$$+ P&W|{| |W,W{ ee^^deded ed9dd |%X|X|X|W \b88>8b>bc 221V\cc cbb>b8b8b\b\cb \88bbcc cbb88771 8\bcc 188bcc b8711 1178bb _^_^^X^_^ ^X4X34343 ^^XW3W] ]\\]]c {X{{WW{{W{ |}||} {W{{WW{W{ djdjd dedede jdjdj {{W{{W{W{ {W{W{X{W{ _34^e cdcdc ededed e_33^_ jjdjd _43^_ ccdcc dedededede ^4_^_e ccdccdc dedededed cidi* dededede ^%d^:^9: ^e_ee icididic ?]?cc djeje deded ]\\b\\ ^9332 3:^^_ee c ]cc dedeededd: 9^^ee #djdcjddj __e_3 ededdededd d::4::^^ee b\b8b ccdcc _dd^e^ee _,^34^_ wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" -,--,--,--, .-.-.-.-.-. 32332332332 43434343434 71771771771 82882882882 92992992992 ^949493 cbcbcbcbcbb hbbhbb bcbcbcbcbcb iccici bcbcbcbcbcc d^ee_eedde bhbhhbhbhb cicicc d!jdjjddjjd kdjdkdjdkd _^__e_e_e_e__e_ dcdcdcdcdcc dc^c^c^c^d hbhbbhbhbh cjcjci cjdjddjjddj ekdke b\b\\b\b\b dcdcc ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 YbMost of your power is behind the scenes. You have to get into ScriptMaker to appreciate FileMaker.Z=See what users are requesting in the REQUESTS.FP3 Bonus File.[CCreating a Custom Query for a Multiple Finds saves time and effort.\ Finds in FileMaker Pro, Part II] Using Multiple Finds In Scripts by Beverly Voth, ISO Contributor, additional comment by Matt Petrowsky, Finds in FileMaker Pro, Part II Using Multiple Finds In Scripts Welcome to part two of this series! The first installment can be found in Section 3, Issue #18. There, I used the analogy of finding keys. Now that you understand how Multiple Finds work in FileMaker Pro, you'll want to learn how to implement them in Scripts. Grab those car keys and let's take 'her' for a s d you wish to bring into FM, click once on the sound's name in the control panel and Copy it (Command-C). Then switch to the database and paste into the Sound Field. [Another option with system 7.5 or with the clipping extension installed is to open the scrapbook and simply drag-and-drop the sound file from the desktop into the scrapbook. You can then copy the sound from the scrapbook.] Be sure your aren't pasting multiple sounds into the same record! (with only one sound field per record). That's it for bringing a sound into FileMaker. Now, let's put these sounds to use. Using FileMaker Sounds The master file, the database you wish to enhance with sound, must contain either a Global Sound Number or Sound Name field. Whichever you choose, make sure it's a Global field and of the appropriate sub-type (Number or Text for Number or Name, respectively). Within the master file, create a relationship to the sound library file. This relationship should be de fined as matching Sound Name to ::Sound Name (in SndLib) or Sound Number to ::Sound Number (also in SndLib). For ease of reference, call them Sound Name Matcher and Sound Number Matcher. The bonus tutorial file contains a relationship based on both variants. Whichever way you decide to go, note that both relationships should allow neither related record creation nor related record deletion - this must be a read-only relationship or the master file will gain a sound when you use the sound library (file growth), and the sound library may lose sounds when you delete records in the master file. For each layout that is to have sound, place the sound field on the layout. This should be done by using the appropriate relationship (either Sound Number Matcher or Sound Namer Matcher) and either the name or number field, whichever route you wish to go (I usually choose numbers because I can guarantee their unique values). On the layout, the Sound field will appear as "::Sound" . Remove their field names, move the fields to the left side of the screen, and use the Size palette to define each as a one-pixel square. Send them to the back and lock them, you won't need them anymore. Sound Scripting This is where it gets fun. For each sound you intend to use, create a script that performs the following: 1. Paste literal [field=Sound Number, contents = (sound's number)] (or go to Sound Name and paste the sound's name.) Don't literally type "(sound's num ber)"...instead, add the number of the sound you want to use. It may help you to have a printed list of the Sound Library's contents - this is where Name and Number correspondence comes in handy. 2. Go to field [Select/Play, "::Sound" 3. Go to field [] (empty definition - deselects the sound field) Again, do this for each sound you wish to use. You will probably not want these "clicker" scripts to show up in the script list, although during the creation and implementation process, it's ok to leave them in. Here's the final steps. for each action that is to have sound, usually a button's click, create a script that performs the appropriate actions. At the top of this script definition, place the instruction : Perform script [(appropriate clicker)] ...where "(appropriate clicker)" is the name of the script which performs the sound call you wish to use. For example, let's say I have sounds and scripts for 3 different clicks. I decide I like Click #2 the most for use as the main click of all my buttons. So, for each button's script, I will have the first instruction set at: Perform script (clicker #2) ...and then the script would go on to perform the appropriate actions for that buttons, such as printing or sorting or what have you. As another example, suppose that I've decided that all my "dangerous buttons" (quits, omits, or deletions) will get a click and a warning sound in sequence. So, my first two script st eps will be, for each "dangerous button's" script: Perform script [clicker #2] Perform script [Red Alert Klaxon sounder] Each script would then go one to do its work, perhaps even call up a Show Message step that asks for confirmation of your choice. This alert sound could also be called whenever a script error has been found, such as a script which checks to see if the current record count is equal to or less than 50. Should the current set contain more than 50 rec ords, you could call an alert sound of your choice. What has been gained? Now you can have a different click for each button, as many alert sounds as you like, even make every single part of your layout make noise when clicked, all with one sound field and no redundant data. This means that you gain all these benefits while the the master file experiences no file size growth as a result of the sounds themselves. This also means that all your databases can have these sounds, an d none of them will experience file growth as a result of the sounds - only the sound library itself ever grows. What has been lost? The only disadvantage to this technique is speed. Unless you are running on a machine faster than 120MHz (on a PPC 604 or Pentium, or roughly 132Mhz on a PPC 603e), there will be a noticeable delay between pressing the button and hearing the sound. On machines rated 150Mhz or faster, this delay is so minimal that it will hardly be noticed. To you bo ys and girls lucky enough to be on 225MHz Power Tower Pro's (PPC 604e), well, you'll have the easiest time of all, naturally. Bonus Goodies: The following bonus files contain samples of a variety of different sounds you might like to put in a database, as clicks, error beeps, or startup/shutdown sounds. MultSnd.FM3, SndArch.fp3 John Krische, of Krishe Database Systems and Staff Writer for ISO Magazine is the author of the 1000 Graphics Button Series. He may be e-mailed at and you are encouraged to visit his website at: ## END## r different platforms. That is, I will shortly describe the process for getting a sound into a field on a Mac, bu 2/1/97iqKeep sounds in one sound library, relatin other databases to it useing this "sound advise". See MultiSnd Folder.j Multi-Sound... Point and Beep?k'Incorporating sound into the interface? By John Krische, Krische Database Systems Incorporating sound into the interface. With FMP 2.1, this technique was possible. One could, via lookups, incorporate sound into the interface. However, if one wanted more than one sound to be used, each sound had to be looked up and copied into a sound field. This made for overly large and slow files if one had too many sounds. What's the solution? Under FileMaker 3.x, we can use a relational database to in 2/1/97iqKeep sounds in one sound library, relatin other databases to it useing this "sound advise". See MultiSnd Folder.j Multi-Sound... Point and Beep?k'Incorporating sound into the interface? O*+O+O* Now Mac zealots can be creative on their Macs and still cash in on the rest of the PC world. Enterprise focus is going to be the hot topic for the next couple of years for FileMaker. If you've thought about creating an enterprise solution in FileMaker and want to make some good money, then go the enterprise route. They've got the money and you'll have the tools to service them. Believe me, it's good advice! More FileMaker Resources Just can't get enough information about wo rking with FileMaker Pro? Well, there are some new resources coming out pretty quickly here. These include a book titled "FileMaker Pro Developer's Guide" by Yvette Grimes and a book titled "FileMaker Pro and the WWW" by Deborah Shadovitz. There are also other books being published by AP Professional and Claris Press. This is a joint effort to by both Claris Press and AP Professional to produce quality works for users of Claris software. For more information about these publication s you can visit You can also call AP Professional at 1-800-313-1277. We have not reviewed theses publications yet as their release dates are May and June respectively. We'll update you as we hear more. ISO updates it's policy It's been a fun two years offering ISO FileMaker Magazine complimentary on the web and via email. Most of the best times came from learning those new techniques in FileMaker. But with growth comes expenses and we've reviewe d what our needs are. ISO will still continue to serve up quality FileMaker information, but at a small price. Intial free subscriptions will run for three months and then will become paid subscriptions. Subscription fees will remain at the $50 level. The $50, equivalent to a solid one hour worth of work, will buy you a years worth of FileMaker information and most importantly, hands-on-files. As is indicated by this, our last completely free issue, you will find the quality files t hat you have come to expect from ISO. If you have comments or suggestions regarding this change then please send them to our email address above. ISO Browser 4 Coming close to completion is the next version of the ISO Browser. This version of the browser is a personal favorite on mine and is very easy to follow. We've taken a more professional approach and have increased the intuitiveness of some of the more confusing aspects of the magazine browser. Stay tuned! The FileMak e tidal wave Let the web battle begin! In the beginning was AppleScript and it was good. Then came the Holy CGI wars. It's here, like all other aspects of a competative market. The struggle for the CGI first place trophy is on between Blueworld, makers of Lasso, Web Broadcasting, makers of WebFM, and Everyware, makers of Tango for FileMaker. From the FileMaker webfolks we have talked to it seems that Lasso has stolen the hearts of many a FileMaker webmaster. But close on its heals are Tango and WebFM. WebFM became a plug-in for WebStar and improved its speed by loosing its AppleScript roots. Everyware's Tango also got a speed boost. The best word we heard was of the up and coming version 2.0 of Lasso. This little workhorse will support Java applets and cookies. Shopping cart features can be created in all three of the solutions be we heard "through the grapevine" that it was most easily done with Lasso. But, of course, that was possibly opinion. Web Broadcasting Corp. 415 / 329-9676 Blue World Communications 206 / 313-1051 EveryWare Development Corp. 905 / 819-1173 Serve YOUR database At both Macworld and Mactivity we became aware of a new company that is offering some unique web based FileMaker services. If you've long wanted to serve your FileMaker database but didn't want the deal with all o f the requirements of getting your own server going and dealing with a CGI then this service may but just the thing for you. Infoasis is a FileMaker centric web hosting company. They work with many of the popular CGIs and can custom tailor your FileMaker/web serving needs. According to Jason Seeber of Infoasis, starting costs are around $100 dollars with $100 per month for serving a database. Contact Jason Seeber of Infoasis at 415 / 459-7991 or Visit their web sit e at ISO "Everything FileMaker" CD takes off We had a vision. And that vision was destined to become a reality. In January we launched our Everything FileMaker CD and to date is has been a great success with those that have purchased one. This CD is full of FileMaker files, many of which are open and can be used over an over again. Click on the graphic above for more information.. A call for entries - ISO Hall of Fame Here's your reminder to send in your nominations for the 1997 ISO Hall of Fame. This is where we rate the best FileMaker files we can find. Of course, if we don't know your file exists then we can't give it the fair shot it deserves. SPEAK up, we know there are users out there that may want your solution. Let's hear about it. ISO Hall of Fame winners get increased exposure on the ISO Web Site and other benefits. If you have a cool shareware or full blown commercial solutions then make sure we get to review it. SeOMnd all submissions with contact information to ## END ## ld. Enterprise focus is going to be the hot topic for the next couple of years for FileMaker. If you've thought about creating an enterprise solution in FileMaker and want to make some good money, then go the enterprise route. They've got the money and you'll have the tools to service them. Believe me, it's good advice! More FileMaker Resources Just can't get enough information about wo cover new tricks and techniques that you want to have at your fingertips. The bonus file "TEMPLATE.FP3" provided with this issue of the ISO FileMaker Magazine is only a starting point. Undoubtedly many of you will have ideas as to what I've left out. Please feel free to email me with your suggestions. Some of those may become part of future Penultimate FMPro Template releases. The Design The template is plain vanilla. Design is a very personal matter, and if you are one who prefers to make all of your databases conform to a similar design, then you'll want your template to incorporate your design features. What you see with our template is a medium-grey background with darker grey buttons and a navigational panel to the side. You may prefer a horizontal navigation panel. To see how the buttons are defined, go into Layout Mode (command-L) and double-click on any button. You'll see that most of them call a script... see below. The template has data Found on the Claris web site was some important news to Windows 95 users. Recently discovered was the fact that the 3.0v4 update causes Windows 95 guests of FileMaker Pro Server to crash if a message is sent from the server. It is recommend that Windows 95 users of FileMaker Pro continue to use the 3.0v3 version. Claris is working to fix the problem, and a 3.0v5 updater will be posted as soon as possible. Claris does well in quarter one Claris reported $67 million in revenues in the first quarter. Many of the sales went, of course, to the breadwinner FileMaker Pro. Much of the growth was accredited to the Internet, Japanese versions of FileMaker Pro 3.0 and the other packages such as ClarisWorks and Claris Home Page. Running on NT? Yes, on NT and it's far from empty. FileMaker Server will be available some time this year in a server version for Windows NT. This is a significant enhancement in terms of FileMaker Pro family and it use on the Windows side. nnZSprucing up you templates with colored fields makes them easier to read. See BONUSIDX.FP3.o The Database Puzzlep#Field Colors Based on Calculations? by James R. Fortier, Senior Managing Editor Showing Your True Colors Displaying Background Field Colors based on Calculations. This month's puzzle is slightly different than past issues. You will not have to wait for an answer. The puzzle is this: Have you ever wanted to emphasize a row of data using colored backgrounds based on a calculation? While developing the BONUSIDX.FP3 template, included with this Issue, I encountered this problem. The process is ctions we're still asking for. In The Beginning Soon after FileMaker Pro 3.0 was released I upgraded to the new version. Like many other developers and users, I was very pleased with it's new features, functionality, and other improvements. Being eager to learn what I could do with this new toolbox, I read everything I could find on the subject. I tripped around zVzVU zzVzVzVzVzVz VyVVz zVzVzVVU l requests. For more detail of User Request information, please download the FixesFeatures database at: What to do With Your Feature Requests The most direct method to ensure your "New Features Requests" get into the Claris database system is to jump to the Claris Suggestion page and enter the data: Do not expect to receive an acknowledgement to your submission as seen by the notes taken from the Claris Suggestion page: Suggestion Box We appreciate your comments and read everything that you send to us. Unfortunately, because we get a lot of mail, we are not able to reply individually to messages. We know that the Net community would like email support and are looking at ways we could feasibly offer such a service. 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It helps avoid confusion if you prefix the serial number with an identifier that reminds you which file you're working with, in a multi-file database solution. For example, your customer database could have serial numbers that start with "C", your parts file with "P", and your invoices with "I". How 'Bout a Date? The other thing that every record should have is a creation date and a modification date. This is especially useful when you're looking for data entry errors. Not surprisingly, these are defined as DATE fields. Double click on those field definitions if you're unsure how they're set up. For your own purposes, you might even want creation time and modification time. Make sure they are defined with type TIME in the field definitions dialog. Note that the serial number and date fields need not appear on your main layout. They are more important for what they can do behind the scenes than for what they show Ms. User. Mark My Records It is helpful to have a "mark" field associated with each record. In this case, it's defined as NUMBER and resides behind the scenes...almost. You may notice a not-quite invisible number in the lower right corner of the Data Entry layout. The reason for this will become evident, but in some cases, you'll want your Mark to be a visible checkbox that the user can employ to select manually the records of interest for updating, viewing, printing etc. Set Size is a t ext field which is defined as a calculation indicating, at the bottom of the main layout, how many records are currently active. Double click the field name to see how it was defined, and click the "Storage Options" button as well. (You're still in Define Fields mode, right?) Yes, this could have been a global, but as such its value would have had to be updated from a script. As an unstored calculation, its value is reset automatically whenever a change takes place. This "unstored calculat ion" notion is one that will surface repeatedly as your databases become more sophisticated. Set Size is entered as a merge field into a text field at the bottom of the Date Entry Layout. Look at Layout Mode to see how. Global Warming The more I use FMPro 3, the more I warm up to the concept of global fields. These are variables. They may contain text, numbers, dates, times, and even "container" objects like graphics and sounds. A container global would be the place to put your comp any's logo which is to be visible on every invoice, or a sound which is to be played each time the user performs a particular function. I try to keep my global variables separated from the regular fields physically at the bottom of the field definition dialog, and I also differentiate them by prefixing a "g" to the name. There three dedicated variables, gBookmark, gBackupDate and gOne. There are also two "scratch" or reusable globals, gText and gNumber. Your purposes may require the use of several globals. None of the mentioned globals appear on any of the layouts, but there may well be situations where your purposes will require them to be visible. There is a sixth global field, "___Globals___" which is used only as a header for the Define Fields dialog. There's no reason why it could not be used for storing data. The Layouts Probably every database needs a Data Entry layout. This may be the only layout to which Ms. Jo Average User has direct access. Also in our template are layouts named List, Labels, Letter, Envelope and All Fields. These are accessed by Ms. User via the buttons across the bottom of the Data Entry layout, except for "All Fields", which Ms. User will never see, unless she's the curious type, and has a master password! (The template includes no password protection, which will not be the case for your distributed solution, of course.) The All Fields layout is useful when debugging and when performing finds, copies an d pastes involving fields which are not present on the main layout. Hopefully the purpose and construction of the other layouts is self-evident. A "Get Info" function was a late addition. Check out the layout, button and script definitions. Note that the info, which appears to be text, is actually a graphic. This is one way of getting around FMPro's habit of replacing the double-slash with the current date, and it also assures that users who do not have the same font will have the te xt appear the same. The Scripts Open ScriptMaker under the Scripts menu. I insist that all my databases contain as their first script, one named Go Main Layout or Go Data Entry. This must be marked in the ScriptMaker dialog as "Include in Menu" and moved to the top of the ScriptMaker dialog so that whenever you (or Ms. User) are lost, command-1 revisits your main screen. As a further enhancement within a multi-file database, consider placing a script at the top of each file's Scrip tMaker dialog, which does nothing more than: Perform Script(External, "Main DB") [script: Go Main Layout] Four Navigational scripts, one corresponding to each of the navigational arrow buttons, are next. These are invisible to the non-privileged user, invoked only via button-click. Also present is the Bookmark script, which uses a self-relation to mark the desired record to which Jo User wants to return. The Random Record script asks her whether she wants to jump to any record in t he current set, or to any record in the whole database. Under the heading of "- Layouts -" you'll find a number of scripts which go to a layout and then call subscripts. The pattern repeats: the first subscript call is either a Sort (where multiple records are to be displayed) or an Isolate (where it is assumed the user wants just a single envelope or letter printed.) The next step selects a Page Setup, the following calls a script which puts the Preview onto the screen in WYSIWYG fo rm, and the final script step calls the Go Main Layout script to take Ms. User back where she wants to be. The four Page Setup scripts are identical! Confusing? It took me a while as a beginner, to understand this important part of FMPro's structure. As you close any of those scripts, you are asked whether you want to keep the information that was saved as part of that script. The only clue you will have as to what setup was saved with each script is to give each script a meaningful name, like "PS US Letter Small Portrait." To change the setup, make a manual change in Page Setup (under the file menu) then go back to ScriptMaker, open the script, close it, and select "Replace" instead of "Keep". These page setups were defined for an Apple LaserWriter. You may need to redefine them. Look at the "Print This?" script. It tidies up the Preview of which ever layout you're viewing, and then after pausing, asks Ms. User whether she wants to print what she sees (remindin g her first whether it's to be a single page or more than one) and then calls the Print() step if the answer is "Yes". Remember that the () specifies that the user's own printer dialog is to appear before the print happens. The same logic applies to the two Sort scripts, as it did to the Page Setup scripts: they appear identical but store hidden information about the sort order. The "Find Sort & Stay" script is an important part of any database where navigational buttons are to be us ed. For that idea to make sense, an "order" is essential. The order you're going to use may be alphabetical (as in the template,) by ID, by date, or some combination of these and other criteria. The script simply makes a temporary bookmark to the current record (different from the user-defined bookmark) using a second self-relation so it knows which record to return to after finding all records and sorting. "Isolate This Record" makes sense if you stare at it long enough. It finds al l records, omits the current one, and then Find Omitted makes the unwanted records disappear while bringing back the one you want. Note carefully the critical difference between "Omit" and "Delete". The housekeeping scripts take care of setting up the database the way you want the user to find it on opening and to leave it on closing. "Opening" also defines the global gOne as "1" for our Restore Marked relation, in case something has happened to alter gOne's value... unlikely, but wh y take a chance? The Closing script calls a Save Backup Copy script if the current date is more than 7 days past the latest backup date. User is also permitted to save a backup manually, since Save Backup Copy is available at the bottom of the scripts menu. Set Preferences under the Edit menu to specify which scripts you want automatically to run at opening and closing. If this were the master file of a multi-file database, you'd want the Closing script to close the associated files as wel Two more scripts in the Scripts Menu allow a found set to be marked and restored. The reason for placing the Mark field in the lower right corner of the Data Entry screen is now evident: the Replace command won't work without it being present... although a work-around would have been to do a behind-the-scenes "Go To Layout 'All Fields'" to accomplish the same thing. You can make the Mark field totally invisible by reducing it to a single dot, making the text color the same as the background color, and specifying under Field Format "Do not allow data entry". The late-added Info script calls the above scripts to mark a current set and restores it after restricting the database to a single record in the found set. The Info text will display as many times as there are records in the current set, and we only need to read a single copy! Relations As a beginner, you may think of relations as a way of sharing data between files which make up a multi-file datab ase solution. You're right, but here's another use. The self relations described above are defined via the Define Relationships menu Item, under "File". These three are as simple as they come, but provide some of the potential we've come to expect from FileMaker Pro 3.0. What Will You Add? You may want a button that invokes a script that does a data integrity check. For a contacts database, that could mean checking that every record has a name, surname, at least one phone number, an d no carriage returns in those fields. Your script would display the faulty records, if any, or a "Congratulations" message if none. How about a button whose script find records created/modified since (or before) a user-entered date? Give the user the choice whether creation or modification date is desired, using the Show Message script step. Your template may require a button to reserialize the Serial Number Field using the Replace script step. All of this and more is possible * with FileMaker Pro 3.0. Any and all contributions and comments are welcome! This article is part of a series aimed at those who are not yet experienced with FileMaker Pro. If you have a beginner-level request that you'd like to see addressed, contact the author at ## END ## record should have a unique identifier. This is especially important when relational considerations are taken into account, but the concept has merit even with flat-file databases. One by Matt Petrowsky FileMaker 3.0v4 If you haven't already heard about the 3.0v4 updater then you've heard it here now. FileMaker 3.0v4 is out and the updated copy fixes some minor bugs. Make sure and download a copy off of the nearest Claris support area. On AOL use keyword "CLARIS" and on the net you need to visit - if you'd like to see the full list of fixes then visit this url ommand-L) and double-click on any button. You'll see that most of them call a script... see below. The template has data 2.0 of Home Page, it's web page creation software. This is available to current owners of version 1.0. You can download the US version of the upgrade from: . You will need to have your serial number handy. This is for Macintosh and Windows 95 or NT users, but non-domestic owners may have to wait for the upgrade. Beginners You will appreciate the ease of using this program. I found myself just clicking on the buttons and try ing menu items. Then I read the manual! It's pretty intuitive, as you move the mouse over the button on the tool bar, a text label is displayed. The tutorial and Help windows will assist you, if you don't understand something. Do I Need to Learn HTML to Use Claris Home Page? No, you can create pages and sites without ever learning HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This is used by Web browsers (Netscape Navigator, NCSA Mosaic, and Microsoft Internet Explorer) to display your web c,Your best starting place is with a template.d&The Penultimate FileMaker Pro Templatee)Reinvent the wheel with each new project? by Lorne Walton, ISO Contributor, The Penultimate FileMaker Pro Template Avoid reinvention of the wheel with each new project. The purpose of a database template is to store features that you, the database programmer, use often so as to avoid reinvention of the wheel with each new project. Everyone's ideal template will be different from that of his neighbor, and everyone's template will be a work in evolution. You will continue to alter your template as you dis hDCCDD creations. You will learn some of the language as you create your pages, because Claris Home Page inserts the correct tags for you. You can view this "source code" at anytime during the process. It may be helpful to eventually learn more about HTML if you are planning to use additional tags or create more complex web sites. See the resources listed below for information about Claris Home Page, HTML and web creation. Helpful Hints for Beginners There are some things you could do if you have no experience with creating web pages. In Claris Home Page, you should set your Preferences before you begin your first page. If you don't understand some of the terms in Preferences, then use the Help windows. Become familiar with how the Help works. Go through the Tutorial, view the Library files and Sample Clip Art. The manual included with version 2.0 download is all in PDF format. Remember to put a copy of graphics that you use from the Library or samp le files into your own folder for your site. Read the Help windows on Using Libraries and inserting graphics. Check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) -- and this includes online services, such as America Online -- before setting your Preferences. You will need to know how and where your service provider would like you to upload your web files and graphics. Also, ask them about CGI (Common Gateway Interface) files, if you plan to use form processing. Will I Need Anything Besides Claris Home Page? You will need a browser to view your finished web pages. You may use any browser, but for the best designed pages, you should test your finished pages in several different browsers. Claris Home Page will verify the correctness of your code and check your spelling, so you won't need to use another program for these resources. You will also need Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing the PDF files of the manual. PDF stands for Portable Digital Format. Ac robat Reader is available for download from several online sources. I found it helpful to print the Index.pdf file as it has an alphabetical list of the topics in the manual. Advanced Web Design Claris Home Page 2.0, 1st Contact For most people, the decision to buy one specific tool over another is a combination of needs and first impressions. As more people gain experience putting information online, the requirements for completing this task naturally cry out for augmentation. Claris Home Page 2.0 succeeds in this area by giving the user a solid list of advanced authoring features. The gut instinct to actually purchase Claris Home Page 2.0 is undoubtably linked to the Claris reputation for stable software and thoughtful functionality. Briefly, the main changes found in Home Page 2.0 include: - 'Site management' provides the ability to 'consolidate,' upload and monitor the contents of a page or site directly from Home Page using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Check spelling in the entire document, or just in the selected text with standard or custom dictionaries. - Distinguish tags from text in 'Edit HTML Source Mode' using 'Syntax Coloring'. Selection is maintained between 'Edit Page mode' and 'Edit HTML Source mode' so that you can quickly find the HTML code for a specific part of your Web page. - Edit both client-side image maps (CSIM) and server-side image maps (SSIM). - Control-click (Macintosh) or right-click (Windows) to interlace a GIF image or add transparency to a GIF image. - Table enhancements now allow for paste, drag-and-drop, or opening of a tab-delimited text file. Claris Home Page 2.0 converts the tab delimited file into an HTML table. Make table font, size, or style changes globally. Set table cell widths and heights to specific measurements to override browser specifications. Change the row and column size by dragging. - The online 'Help' files have more than doubled in size. Interactivity Support for QuickTime and QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Reality), as well as Plug-ins and Java applets has been further enhanced by the inclusion of menu commands designed specifically for these elements. Be advised that these files must be uploaded to remote servers manually. The dirt - Although touted as being WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), Claris Home Page 2.0 cannot display text wrapped around images. Users must learn to validate/preview all formatting in at least one modern browser. - Memor y requirements increase as libraries and objects, such as large graphics, are opened or 'inserted.' Be prepared to increase the memory for this application when performing multiple page creation and administration. I recommend a setting of 6 MB, minimum. - Some users report difficulty with the 'Insert From Library' menu. - Home Page does not currently provide AppleScript support. - Version 2.0 will only open 'text' files from other applications (ClarisWorks, Excel, etc.). The clipboard, however, will perform an amazingly broad range of translations. My feelings exactly... 'Home Page' has developed a very faithful following. I suspect that the typical user is drawn to the product because of a solid faith in 'software by Claris'... I feel that these same individuals keep such a product on their hard drives because that faith is renewed every time they run Claris Home Page. I'm pleased with Claris Home Page 2.0, and will continue to rely on it for daily web pa ge maintenance and versatile site creation. Tip: Get on the e-mail list* for Claris Home Page! Resources Several resources are available to beginners and advanced Webmasters. There are several books, among them "Teach Yourself Web Publishing" by Laura Lemay or Dan Shafer's "JavaScript and Netscape Wizardry." On line resources include: - CLARIS - 'Claris Home Page 2.0 Resource Directory' - The 'Claris Home Page FAQ' (Frequently Asked Questions) list - You can also subscribe to the *'Claris Home Page Talk List,' An Email Discussion Group for Users of Claris Home Page (as well as search the archives of this list) . ## END ## Beverly Voth is an experienced Webmaster. She has created sites totally using raw HTML code. She can now appreciate using CLARIS Home #Page! Beverly can be reached at . Ken Tidwell is a Northern California Internet consultant who originally designed and built web sites in Asia way back in 1994. Ken produces the only after market 'Home Page' libraries on the Internet. Ken can be reached at the Library files and Sample Clip Art. The manual included with version 2.0 download is all in PDF format. Remember to put a copy of graphics that you use from the Library or samp se Claris Home Page? No, you can create pages and sites without ever learning HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This is used by Web browsers (Netscape Navigator, NCSA Mosaic, and Microsoft Internet Explorer) to display your web Whoa! Hold it there! A few driver's training lessons might be needed first. One of those lessons is learning about your vehicle and we did a bit of that in part one. Now you'll want to know how FileMaker Pro uses your Finds in scripts. Creating a Custom Query for a Multiple Find You must "tell" FileMaker what information you want found before you create the script. Go to the Find Mode in your database. Find the multiple items you want, using the AND, OR and NOT ex amples from part one. Before you click the continue button (or press the return key) here's a little trick! You can click continue, go to the Script menu and proceed. FileMaker will remember what find requests you just made. But you do not actually need to complete the find, just set up the requests! Now go to the Browse Mode. Not sure that FileMaker remembered your requests? Then, go to the Select menu and choose Modify Last Find. See! They're still there. This is how I sho _\Claris Home Page will make your life easier and increase web page construction productivity.`5Web Pages & Sites for Beginners & Advanced Webmastersa Claris Home Page 2.0 Review by Beverly Voth, and Ken Tidwell, Claris Home Page 2.0 Creating Web Pages and Sites for Beginners and Advanced Webmasters If you're sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to jump onto the Web; or you are an experienced Webmaster frustrated at the enormity of maintaining your sites, Claris Home Page 2.0 can assist you! This article will give you some insights regardless of your experience. Claris just announced the release of version wed you the Find examples in the Bonus File accompanying the previous article. Create your new script with the command: Perform Find [Restore] (check the options box for Restore find requests) - this performs the stored Find without pausing for input from the user, - and may not be be aborted by the user unless the script is stopped From now on, when you execute that script, FileMaker will use the requests that you set up. Did you forget to set up the Find requests before creati ng the Script, or change your mind about which criteria you wanted to find? No problem, implement your Find requests now! Edit your script command, only this time you will get a dialog box telling you: The following information is needed to perform this script. You can: Keep the information already saved for this script Replace it with the information currently in use Find Requests: 0 - Keep 0 - Replace Click the Replace button and your new Find requests will be saved w ith the script. That's it! You've created and saved your multiple finds and will be able to execute them anytime you select that script. You may set up several different scripts with various criteria and if you ever need a "custom" find you can always revert to the manual entry method. FYI: There are two other scripting commands which may be used to find the stored information you want: Enter Find Mode [Restore] (check the options box for Restore find requests) - this performs the stored Find after the user clicks the FIND button Enter Find Mode [Restore, Pause] (check the options boxes for Restore find requests and Pause) - this performs the stored Find after the user clicks the Continue button, - which then has the FIND button to click, - and gives the option to abort the Find with the Cancel button NOTE: The Status Area must be visible for the Enter Find Mode command when you use the option Restore and the command by itself in a script, or the user may c hoose Perform Find from the Select Menu. The script may be aborted by manually switching to Browse mode before clicking any buttons in the Status Area. This adds unnecessary steps by the user, unless you wish to provide the ability to abort or manually change the find request before continuing. Next time: Setting Up a Single Script for Variable Finds For additional information about Multiple Finds see "Hitting the Mark" in Issue #4, Section 5. That article, by Matt Petrowsky, discusse s "flagging" found records for each criteria, then you can increase the complexity of the find. Beverly Voth has been a FileMaker Pro devotee for 4 years and is a member of several database interest groups. You may contact her by e-mail: ---------------------------------------- Appended information discussing the bonus file SEARCH.FP3 that accompanies this issue. by Matt Petrowsky Throughout my pursuits of trying to create a commerically viable product in FileMa ker I found that the search methods employed by FileMaker were confusing for some users when making complex search requests. To remedy this situation I created a method of storing searches and discussed those in a previous article. Well, it came time to augment those "neat ideas" and follow them up with something usable to you! Combined with this issue you will find a basic paired down version of my very own implementation of a FileMaker enhanced search engine. It's premise is [ very simple and yet can become very complex in terms of what you can do with it. It builds on the ideas highlighted in my article about stored searches in issue #13 section 7. This file is very easy to "hook-up" to your own database. Read more in the bonus file to find out how this powerful file can save you from the searching blues. ## END ## tion currently in use Find Requests: 0 - Keep 0 - Replace Click the Replace button and your new Find requests will be saved w AND, OR and NOT ex amples from part one. Before you click the continue button (or press the return key) here's a little trick! You can click continue, go to the Script menu and proceed. FileMaker will remember what find requests you just made. But you do not actually need to complete the find, just set up the requests! Now go to the Browse Mode. Not sure that FileMaker remembered your requests? Then, go to the Select menu and choose Modify Last Find. See! They're still there. This is how I sho FileMaker Pro dedicated web sites to find any information I could glean from their resources. I didn't find much available information. I then turned my attention to the Dartmouth FMPRO-L and Blueworld FMPRO mail lists. I reviewed the new features and enhancements against the questions being posted to the lists and, to my surprise, realized that Claris had provided many fixes and improvements that were subjects of list posts. Was Claris reading these mail lists for ideas on product impr ovement and could I contribute my ideas via these forums? I decided to ask the question; "Is there anyone on the list that is tracking user requests in a FileMaker database?" I received several replies indicating that developers normally maintained their own private lists which were sometimes forwarded to anonymous key individuals. Nothing was publicly available. I requested the private lists, collected Claris release notes and READ ME files. List Reviews The Claris notes way to do this is to define a serial number field. Here it's named Serial Number (how original!) and it's defined as type TEXT, not number. Why? It's a bit beyond the scope of this beginner's article, but let me say that it works better this way because of the tricks that FMPro lets you play with many-to-one relationships, where using a number field could restrict severely the size of the "many" side of the equation. It is a difficult exercise in self-discipline, but I try to not us e spaces in my field names. A "sticky-space" is advantageous when using fields in calculations: when the field name is double-clicked, the whole name is selected instead of one word of the name. To enter a sticky-space, type option-space on a Mac, or alt-space on the PC side. After defining the field, click "Options" and you'll see that the field is defined as Serial Number, with the next new record to have serial number C00004. That's because I started out with Serial number C00001 tainer cells using a screen copier like "Flash-it". Add as many repeating cells as required by the colors you wish to display. A useful trick for copying color patterns, is to extend the footer part (layout mode) and set it to the desired color using the left control panel and then copy a 1/4 inch square using Flash-it. The color can be directed to the clipboard with Flash-it preference settings and then -+VV+ ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Sort/Find/Print Steps Sort - You can't get more basic than the sort script step. It does exactly what you would think it would do. However, there are things you need to know about the sort script step and how it works. There are some unique twists that not that many users know about. At the point that you add the sort script step to any script it will automatically be set to Restore the sort order and Perform without the sort dialog. In most all cases you will leave both of the se options checked. What happens is that the most recent sort that was performed, while in Browser mode, is what will be "inherited" by this sort script step. This is an important thing to remember. It is important because not many people know that you can have multiple sorts within one script that will sort completely different. If, for example, you create a script and sort by last name and then add that step to a script it will retain the sort by last name. When you exit ScriptMak +O+O++ ocess. I then went back to the mail lists and posted a brief summary of my findings requesting any additional information that users would like to include in the database. I found many wish-list items (requests for new features) as well as newly verified bugs/problems being posted to the lists which I gobbled up and entered into the database. I added new features such as searches, sorts, summary reports, summary export scripts and was ready to make the database publicly available. Web site Installation A friend, Davor Juretic, wrote Dick Honing of the FileVille site introducing the database and suggesting that he should host it. Dick was extremely helpful in assisting me with my first web page and getting the database installed for public download. I learned how to compress/encode the files using Stuffit/BinHex4 and to put the files up on the site using an Macintosh ftp program called Fetch. Dick also created web page forms to allow user searches of the database and "requests" to be e-mailed directly to my personal mail box. I had a database full of public interest information and was also maintaining a rather large file called "FMPRO/FMPRO-L Netiquette Guidelines" that I needed to disseminate. I had 5MB of disk space on my local Internet provider's site that I was not using. I decided to build my own web site and place all this information there for user downloads. Over a long weekend in October, my new jim40er web site, dedicat ed to FileMaker mail list members and containing my new FixesFeatures database, was born. (The URL is ) By the way, building your own web page is not as hard as it may seem. Contact your Internet service provider and have them create (or tell you how to create) a special directory where you will save your files. Create your home page and name it "welcome.html" or "index.html" depending on which name is recognized by your server software to be automatic ally run when a person accesses your directory. Using products such as Claris Home Page or HTML based text editors like BBEdit, you can create your home pages with links and directory structures on your local hard disks. Simply transfer the files and directory structure to your server directory and then advertise. With minimal practice and a lot of patience, you will soon be a web page master. User Requests The REQUESTS.FP3 bonus file contains user request records extracted from t he FixesFeatures database. The records fields include Record Type, Brief Description and User Name which are sufficient to provide a feel for what users are requesting of any new FileMaker Pro enhancements. The current 1.4 version database contains 507 records consisting of; 42 Bugs, 52 Fixes, 81 Problems, 52 New and 280 Requests. What are developers asking for? A summary of the top 12 request types indicate: 48 Functions, scripting and Status () functions 24 Scripts, copying to another database to compilable libraries 18 Finds, new find scripting functions and omits 15 Portals, horizontal scroll bars to sorting portals 14 Printing, scripts and database documentation 12 Import/Exports, file formatted as layout, non-tab delimited variations 12 Keyboards, clairvoyance to hot key definitions 10 Dialogs, allow <> Message/Input to 3D button borders 09 Fields, auto-tabbing, fixed length to view field names in browser 08 Libraries, compilable and callab le script libraries 08 Tools, graphic construction tools and tool palettes 07 Claris Hear Me's Clearly, the greatest number of user requests features deal with the ScriptMaker, scripting/status functions. Improvements could be made with the Find/Omit and Portal functions. The remainder would be frosting on the cake. The Brief description field in the bonus file will provide a glimpse into the exact nature of the request records. You may also press the "Summary Preview..." button to view summary counts for all requests. For more detail of User Request information, please download the FixesFeatures database at: What to do With Your Feature Requests The most direct method to ensure your "New Features Requests" get into the Claris database system is to jump to the Claris Suggestion page and enter the data: Do not expect to receive an acknowledgement to your submission as seen by the notes taken from the Claris Suggestion page: Suggestion Box We appreciate your comments and read everything that you send to us. Unfortunately, because we get a lot of mail, we are not able to reply individually to messages. We know that the Net community would like email support and are looking at ways we could feasibly offer such a service. If you have a technical support question or require other assistance, information is available on support via phone and other services. Comments: Please note: By entering your comments below, you are granting permission to Claris Corporation to use your comments for advertising and/or promotional purposes. Do not enter any information for which you do not grant this permission. Note: While we are not able to respond to many of the suggestions given to us here, please be assured that review them. It is not clear whether one submission containing a list of suggestions will be e ntered into the Claris databases as a single record or individual suggestions. To be safe, I would enter them one at a time to assist anyone doing the data entry on a record by record basis. Another way to provide a list of suggestions is to email me your list and I will ensure that they are categorized correctly and entered as separate records into the FixesFeatures database. In addition, enter your request list into the Claris Suggestion Forms. This will enable Claris to become "o fficially" aware and also add your voice to the record counts in the public Requests database. Also, it is not clear if FixesFeatures records will ever be added into official Claris databases, but we know that key Claris people read the FMP mailing lists and have access to the same public information as you. Claris is also ISO Magazine aware. Claris is extremely responsive to CSA members and their suggestions for product improvements. The CSA members might just latch onto the lat est version of FixesFeatures containing your ideas and forward them to the responsible parties. My hunch is Claris will be unofficially aware of your comments and input. It just makes good business sense to take advantage of any and all information provided by product end users. ISO will try to keep you posted as to ideas and suggestions being submitted to us by subscribers and readers. Thank you for any and all feedback. Bonus File: REQUESTS.FP3 James R. Fortier is the ISO Senior Managing Editor and lives in Redmond, Washington. Jim maintains a web page dedicated to FMPRO and FMPRO-L mail list members at: ## END## found myself frequently returning to the database during database design to determine if design problems I was having were, in fact real, and was there a work-around reported. The database was already saving me time by avoiding those blind alleys often encountered during the learning pr improvements that were subjects of list posts. Was Claris reading these mail lists for ideas on product impr ovement and could I contribute my ideas via these forums? I decided to ask the question; "Is there anyone on the list that is tracking user requests in a FileMaker database?" I received several replies indicating that developers normally maintained their own private lists which were sometimes forwarded to anonymous key individuals. Nothing was publicly available. I requested the private lists, collected Claris release notes and READ ME files. List Reviews The Claris notes and READ ME files provided information about the fixes and new features found in each released version. These could be easily summarized to illustrate the status of each released version and growth paths. Review of the private lists provided a pleasant surprise. Not only were private developers tracking wish-list items, but, bugs and other problems requiring developer work-arounds. I had collected information on bugs (verified by Claris), problems that could be bugs (not-verified b y Claris), fixes to known problems and new features (release notes and READ ME files) and a whole lot of user requests for new features. I constructed a skeleton database to browse and analyze the data. I found myself frequently returning to the database during database design to determine if design problems I was having were, in fact real, and was there a work-around reported. The database was already saving me time by avoiding those blind alleys often encountered during the learning pr er and go perform another sort on the first name and then reenter the script and add a new sort script step it will "inherit" the new sort by first name. But the previously added sort will retain the sort by last name. One of the more confusing features of any of the steps that prompt you to replace or keep its current settings is the dialog that prompts you to do so. I remember having difficulties with this myself. Basically what it allows you to do is create a script and put a sor t step into the script. That step will "inherit" the most recently performed sort. If you wanted to change the sort order that the script performed then you would go into browse mode and sort the data in a new order. You would then go into that same script and simply open it. When closing the script you will be prompted to keep or replace the sort order. You would choose to replace the sort order with the new order you just sorted on - if you wanted the old sort order to be replaced with t ScriptMaker : Ins & Outs IIIU Learning ScriptMaker Part 3V FileMaker Pro User RequestsW/Features and Functions we are still asking for! by James R. Fortier, Senior Managing Editor FileMaker Pro User Requests Features and Functions we're still asking for. In The Beginning Soon after FileMaker Pro 3.0 was released I upgraded to the new version. Like many other developers and users, I was very pleased with it's new features, functionality, and other improvements. Being eager to learn what I could do with this new toolbox, I read everything I could find on the subject. I tripped around ions the FileMaker world would be pretty dull. Each contributor to the "Everything FileMaker" CD will be given a significant discount if their product or solution is selected to be included on the CD. The quality of this CD will be very high. Unfortunately, we cannot include every solution that is sent in to ISO. We already rt - Personally, I have found little use for the Unsort script step and don't think I have used it but a few times. Of those times when it became useful was when I was using a looping script that would run through a found set. A little fact that few know is that when you create a new record in a found set - a set that is sorted - that the new record created (or duplicated) will be created right after the current record that the user is on. Unlike the case when records are unsorted. If the y are unsorted then the new or duplicated record will be created at the end of the found set showing. This is useful knowledge in some cases where you are doing a simple sorting of portals using the duplication method. Basically the found set of records would need to be in a sorted order so the newly created records are created in the sorted order. In that case you would NOT want to unsort the records. (if you would like to see the sorting portals using the duplication method then v z+*+O zO+O+O O*+O*+$ zOUOUOU yVUOU UzzVOOUU VyVyV 5N+O+O UUOUOU zUzVyVz N+O**O UVVUzVy O+*O+N yzVUVVz +N+*O+ UVVUzVy *+O++N UVyzVyV OO*+N+ yzVUVVyz +O*+O UzVyVVz N+N+O OUUzzVUyO ON+N+O *OTUOUzUy UUOUO NOOUOUUy yVzUVVy UyVyyz zzUOU yzOUOUOO yUVyUz 5*O+N UOUOU UzVyz ON+N+* 5O*O*O+UOUOUO O*+OUUzVUz N+O++ 5+N+N+NOOUOUOy N+O+* +O+OO*N OO*+*+N+N+*O+O*N UUVyzz zzUU*O zUzUzUzz O*+NOO+*O*O+**O *O+*O*NO+*NOU NOOUO yUV** NO+*O+*N *UyUz NUyUUyV NUOUOU UO+*N UVyzz NUOzVz OUOUU O*O+ON** *OOUOUVyUy O++*+O *++O+N *O+O+O*+ UOUUOO *+O+*O*+*O*O*OUUzz zVUO* zzVUOO+ *+O+O*O OO*O*+*+ON+*O+N zzUyUOUU O*O*OO*+N+*++N O*+O+O* O+O+N +*+*O +N+O+O+ O+N+O Pro 2.0 - 2.1F! Pro 3.0 US English - Spelling ISO Dictionary 2WVWV 23-32W3323,33-323] ]]3W33233, 332,3232,2,W^ ^W232 2W233 332-,323W^ ^]W]WW3W2, 2-233,3,23,3 ^3232 +]W]WW]W9]W]W++, 9W33W2W33V3+ W2,,3,2W23W^ ]W32W,, 23VWVV ]W]W]]39W +]W33W wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 ^]W]]W] ^W33W^ W,232 W3]3]W332 W3W]33]X^ 3W3W73WW3WW]W ]3W3323 ^WW^WXW^ W23X3W3] W3W33W9W^ ^WW323]X] ]]3W]3]W] ]33W3]W9], 3WW3W]3W^ W]]W9WW ]]W]^]X]^ ^]^W^ 33W3W ^W3,33, ,33,2,3- 2,,2V ]WW33 3W^]W W3W3W ,W^]^33^ ,,WW] ,V++Wd^ 2232W ^W3W3W ]W33]] W323X ]W323W33W32 +V2VV W3W3W W,22W W33W3,2-2, 2,,2- W323-23W] ^]W3233W, 33,232 ^X2,32332 ^]W]W]W W3^W3 ]W]WW 31-33 ^^]XWW3W33W33]WW4W3W3X3:^ ]33WW ]]9X33X:X3W^^ ^3]3W3W4 W4:]]39X3^W] ]]W]]^ XWW33493^3: ]W]3W3W3W ^W]W^^W^]^X]^W ]32323,3V W3,2-23] ]3W93W W393] 37W3W, ^^3-2,23^ P2,2VV ]3W33W33], W]XW33W]3W 33 3,2 2W32,33,2W^ d^3W33]]W3W]^, 3-3W33, W3]33W, W323W ]WW]3 3]3W]32 233232, V,232 ^WW3,3 W]W9W3]W33W3W+ 3W2W3 ^]W332 +,+VW] ]33W3]3W W]W3W3 23,,W] W3W23,22W23W W9W]W3W ]]3W9W3]]9W9W]W ]33W332,3V3,,2] ]W]]W]3]3] ]W9W]3]4W^]^]^2 ^W3WW3W3W 2VV2VV 3%W3W W2W3+ 3W]3^W^]^]X]WW, W3WW3W3W 323,2W ]W3223W W3W^ 3]^W93X9^X]^]W]] ]]2,] 3(X3XW]W] 4]X9W934W^], WWVWW ]W3W3W 3%W39W3 3WW,++ 2VVWV2 ^3^^W:W3W W3W3^3X9W^ WW]W]W WW9X3]3X3] 3 ]4]3 ,23W2 -2-3^ ^4]49W3W3^X]W,, 2W233W33W] 22,22VV,,2 -33,2] ^]W3, ,,W]W]3, -233V2,, ,2,,+,2,,V ^]32,3 232,2,2 ^^]^W ^]]WW^ ^]^]3 ^!W^]WW33^ ^W]322, ,++,] ,-9W] ^]XW]]W ]W]]W]] V2WVV ]W323 2WV2,, 332,] 7]33W3 ,22,W ]]WW], 3WW^^ ,,++,++ 2W2W^ ]^3]3] X9W3W 2,,22,2 W22++ ^^]]^]322++2 ,2,,2 W3W]^3W ^W^]22^ X,33^ ]^]^]33 ^]:W33W ,+,++, ^^]33W ^WX]W V]]W]3] ]-33V^ W,233- ]W33]]^ +,+,+ W,-3- 2 ,2,W 3WW]WV +,++, 9322,+ W33-3 ,VVWW ]33-2 22 3W3W^ ^3]W]^] ]3W]W]32W ]3W32] ^WW33W3X3WW ]3W:]^]3W] ]W339WW, W2W3^ W]]WW3W ]WW]] ]]^]^ ^]]^9W3 ]9^]:]^ ^W9X^ W3W]]3 ]W]W3 ++,+, ^W3V2 ^]]W] ^WX3^W3WW ^]W9W]33W9 W]W3X ]WW]^ ^]]^^]^ W9WW]W^ 33233 ^W3W3W W3W33V ^]W3]W] ]]W]d ]W9]3]W^ 3]X]WW3WW ^]32-2332,3232, ]3W2,3 ]2332 3,2W^ 23W3]W3 WW9W++V ,,2,2,3-33W,, ]8W2++ 2]]29 ,332322, 3W33^ W3W3W ]WW3W3WW ]^]W^ ]]W3W ,2VWW ^32232, ^^W^]W33W 3W3W3 ^]]2V 3]22W2 W3,3, +2,2, ++,V2 332]] ,,W22 ,,22V, ]2V32W 223^] 2-3,3 3,2W2 ,+,+, 3,3,32X]^^ 2PW,V22,22 3W2V2 ]3,,3,,3,3323,3W, WW]WVWW 2V2VWVWV ^W22-,3 ^^73,3,3 W]W]^]] ^3W^^ 32]W]]W +,2,+ ^^W]3WW ]XW3] ^]^^]^]^ X,,W]WW, ,3233] ]3V22 2,+W] 3W^^] 3V,3V22V22 ,3-32W 223323,++ 2V22VWVVW ,3232 W]2VWV 2#,2] W3W+, ^]W3W2,, 2322,,2, ]^W323232WW,33232-,,3 W,+,+,WW2,V, ,VWVVW ,,22P ,P,,+ ,,-,, ,,VWW,+ W ]^3W^^W^W^ d^3^]^W332^ 33W3W3 W>3WX]X3]^]^3WXW] W]3W^W]^W^^ ^^]W^W2 ^33^3^ W33W393W^ ^%W^^ ^WW33, W33%W W2332332-233,2 2W^W3 W3^]^], ]3W^3WW3, ,3W^^X ^33W4W3W 3W33W9 ]X^]W2 ]XW33W ^]W9]4W3W ].W]]W9 V%,2W] +22,V 33W3W33W^^ 2332^^ X9X]]^^]^^]^ ]W33W ^33W^ W3^]]W3X3WW ^3W3%3W33 W :W]W33W3W3 3W]W3^^ 233W3]W3 ^^3W^^ ^W^^, W34943W3^W^W ^3:W]^^W]WW3XW^^W^]W]4]^ 3"W33WW3W^ ^W3:W^]W3:W3]X3WW ,3W^^ ^]]^^ ,-72323WV ++V++W W]3]3^ ^33W3^W3WW3 3]33]^ ^^W34]: ]^]W W] 2-3,3- ]^]W^^ W3W33 4W3^3X]^]^ 3-W33W3 WW33W3WW3^^W3WW33]3W] W3W3W]^^]^^X]] ^W33-3-3-23 ]W323322-33 W3W]] ]W233 W33^^W3W 2-2332W33WW^ ^33W3 3W3WVW ^9W9X ^4X94^W ^^]-232 -33X, 2,2,2 WX]:] V2V2VVWWV ]33W3W9X^X W3^34 W^3W^ ^^9X9W33^:X W:W^]W^ 23,3323 ]^3W^, 3X]:W^3^W:]3W^ ^3233,3, W^33]4W3W^ W^^]^XW 22W233 3G-33 ^2-22 32^^2 -2 32] -2,-, 2-2 -^ -,3-3 33 ,3 -3 ,33^32 ,323 23 ,3,3,3 ^^W33W X34^X33W4 ^X434]33X3 X]^^:^]^9^3^] WW]W] ^^W]W3] ^]X]3] ]2,2WW,++ 2-232 ]W33, -33233, ]^]^^W^WW^W ^#]^^W ,22,+ :X^^343W3W^ ^^3W9 &V,2,] W22,2WW2V2,,2 ,,+,2V,+ ],2V, 3+,33^33, 7,]d:] +,,VW+, +,2++ ]9]9]3W33W]X3 ^W93WX9W^X:^ ]X]^]^ ]W3W3 ^]]^]X]^]^]^]^^W W^33X33^ W3WW]X]W]]W ] W3^] W232V X9W]9^]]4]3]^W^]]W3]^W ^]WWXW^] W3W3WW]W ]W3]^ ]W3W]3]]W93]9]^ 3W3]W] ]W3]^ ^]^3^]3]W]WX]] ]WX3W]X] y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def 22V ]W 22VVWW WVVWW V2VV2V2 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" V2VV2, ]]3VW^] W]WV2VVWV V2WWV2 W]WW]W WV,,2 ]WVVW] ]WW22V2 WWVV2 ,,V22V ]WVWW ]VV,2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 e^::^::^:: :^^:: ^:^:^:^^:^:^^: :^:^^: :^:^^:^: :^^:^^ T*TTN VV2VWV 22+,2] 2V2VVW ]V2W^^ WV2VP2 W]W3W3W3 isit the Database Pros site at and look for the sorting portals tip). ------------------------------------------- Find All - There may be some uses for this step beyond what I cover here, however, for the most part I have used the Find All script step in basically two places. One is when I wanted to connect it alone to a button to find all of the records in the database. And the second is when I need to find all of the records in the database so that I can do som e "processing" on them. If you don't know what "processing" is when it comes to FileMaker, then I'll explain it. Processing is when you want to perform some repetitious task on a bunch of records. You will most always use a loop script step when you want to process either a found set of records or all of them in the database. You can perform any number of functions on data and "cycle" from record to record going to the next one right after the other within a looping script. Yo u will also learn that you can use the Find All in a script that will "isolate" the current record. (see next two steps) ------------------------------------------- Find Omitted - This is another one of those script steps that gets little use when it comes to implementation in a majority of scripts. The Find Omitted will pull up all of the records that are not currently showing in the found set of the database. When you find the omitted records then it will find those records not showing and it will hide or "put away" those records that are showing. This step comes in great use when you want to isolate a certain record. When you isolate a record you are basically saying that you want ONLY the current record showing in the found set. To do this you combined the next step of Omit and the previous step of Find All in one script. The scrip would look like this; Find All Find Omitted And here is the explanation of how it works. If you are on the record that away" records after they have been processed or manipulated. In the case that you do use the omit in a loop then it is essential to remember that by omitting a record you automatically go the the next record in the found set, sorted or unsorted, so adding a Go To Next Record will "jump over" or skip the next record and you won't end up with a smooth running loop. ------------------------------------------- Omit Multiple - I have used the step mostly when assigning it to a button and that is about it. One of the key things missing from these steps is the fact that you MUST specify a number, you cannot get the number that you want to specify from another field such as a global. This is a big limitation in the fact that you have to specify a static number, which is usually not good enough in a dynamic structure like a database. Hopefully Claris will get around to addressing this. ------------------------------------------- Perform Find - For the most part I have found two u ------------------------------------------- Modify Last Find - There have been few instances where I have used this script step. But in the cases that I have it came in real good use. The Modify Last Find is more aptly named in 3.0 than it was as Refind in 2.X. What it does is take you into Find Mode with all of the previously used search criteria in the last Find performed. One of the instances where I had used this script was for a very complex find that basically built on itself. The user would perform a find for say a certain state like CA. After the search was performed I would have a button that would read "Find More" and by clicking this button it would use the Modify Last Find to bring up the previously searched for "CA" as well as add a new request so the user could add another state to the search criteria. ------------------------------------------- Page Setup - This is one of the default steps when you create a new script. This step is useful when ses for this script step. One is when I create a find script that is pretty much a one trick pony. I then "call" this script to do its magic. If I ever need to update the script's find then I can simply change that one script that contains only the Perform Find step. The other place where this is useful is when you are taking the user into a find where they can specify their own search parameters. This is done by simply Entering Find Mode and then waiting for user input. To do this you create a script that will follow this basic model. Enter Find Mode Do some stuff here Pause/Resume Script (wait for the user to do something) Perform Find You find that by using the conditional If step you can actually exercise more control over what the user does when you take them into the find script. TIP: Did you know that you can manipulate global field values while in Find mode. Using the Set Field you can set data to and pull data from global fields while in Find Mode. broken out on its own much like we discussed with the Sort step. By creating and individual script with only the Page Setup command you can create a number of scripts that can be "called" from other scripts. You can create a Page Setup for each of the various outputs you will want to support. Create an Envelope Page Setup script, a Letter Page Setup script and so on and so on. All you have to do in your Print script is "call" the Page Setup script that you want to setup. ----------------- -------------------------- Print - Pretty straight forward. Print will bring up the Print dialog box or just print the current layout if the Perform without dialog is checked. Editing Steps Undo - The familiar Undo step will undo that last action performed, if possible. I say if possible because FileMaker isn't too good about "remembering" what the last thing was that was done. As soon as you exit a record the Undo becomes a Can't Undo. Not too useful and I haven't ever used it in any of my scripts throughout my time with FileMaker. ------------------------------------------- Cut, Copy & Paste steps - If you don't know what Cut, Copy or Paste does then you should probably look into a good book about computers. One of the older methods of moving data from one place to another, especially with cut, copy and paste was in 2.X of FileMaker. It used to be the only way to get information from one place to another. With the advent of SetField you should rarely use Cut, Copy and Paste to move data. There may be some cases where this is still useful however. If you do find that you need to use the the cut, copy or paste steps then make sure that you are on the layout that has the field that you are cutting, copying or pasting from or to. This is a very common snafu when using these steps. If the field doesn't exist on the layout that is showing then it will appear that the script does not work. HOT TIP: There may come some cases where you wa +%,,PVW ,)VW,+ +,++,+ ,PVVP+,P,+,,W ,P,VWW You can set the email application that you use below and click on the send button for your message entered here to automatically sent to that email application. This is an AppleScript solution and is therefore only available for Macintosh users. Currently supported applications are Claris Emailer, Qualcomm's Eudora and the America Online software. The CompuServe setting will only open the CompuServe CIM. However, clicking the \"send\" button will automatically copy the text of this messagBRe so that all you have to do is paste and send from within your email application. ical issues as well as to the FileMaker Pro SDK.Find us at . We've got information about the Italian CSA and how to join it, as well as tips, tricks and the official developer's directory, and, last but not least, an ISO mirror page in Italian. Contact: Riccardo Canetta - CSA Italy email Promote your FileMaker Solution - New source for promot nt to automatically perform a find that requires special characters. Since the SetField will not set, say a less than chevron "<" to a number field you can use the Paste or even better a Paste Literal (covered in next weeks article) to paste in the chevron and then paste the values that you want to search for. ------------------------------------------- Clear - Clear is essentially in the same category as Cut, Copy and Paste. However, there is one key aspect of Clear. It does not manipula te the clipboard. So if you have used Cut or Copy and have something in the clipboard you can use the Clear to get rid of something that is in a particular field. ------------------------------------------- Select All - It does what it says, but I haven't found to many uses for it in scripting. ------------------------------------------- Stay tuned for part IV of this ongoing series about ScriptMaker's script steps. Happy ScriptMaking! ## END ## er to be replaced with t reate a script and sort by last name and then add that step to a script it will retain the sort by last name. When you exit ScriptMak y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" y%PostScript Hack by Mike Brors 12/7/90 /DisableNextSetRGBColor userdict begin /setrgbcolor pop pop pop userdict begin /setrgbcolor systemdict /setrgbcolor get def end } def } bind def /bcarray where { bcarray 2 { /da 4 ps div def df setfont gsave cs wi 1 index 0 ne{exch da add exch}if grestore setcharwidth cs 0 0 smc da 0 smc da da smc 0 da smc c gray { gl} {1 setgray}ifelse da 2. div dup movet o show }bind put % Used to snap to device pixels, 1/4th of the pixel in. /stp { % x y pl x y % Snap To Pixel, pixel (auto stroke adjust) transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } bind def /snapmoveto { % x y m - % moveto, auto stroke adjust stp moveto } bind def /snaplineto { % x y l - % lineto, auto stroke adjust stp lineto } bind def ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Claris Emailer Claris Emailer 1.0v3 hat you use below and click on the send button for your message entered here to automatically sent to that email application. This is an AppleScript solution and is therefore only available for Macintosh users. Currently supported applications are Claris Emailer, Qualcomm's Eudora and the America Online software. The CompuServe setting will only open the CompuServe CIM. However, clicking the \"send\" button will automatically copy the text of this messagBRe so that all you have to do is paste and send from within your email application. Claris Emailer Claris Emailer 1.0v3 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 2V828 V228\ 28V82828 V82233 V8282 22VUsU \2V828228 3238\ 82V283 2 8V2\223323 V2282 U822\ 3]d]dc@c^@]@]:c@]@^?d^]dc:c:c9dc ::4:44:44: ]?^8 34X:d " 9^9d9d?^]:c]d]d]d]d]c^9c@]:c^c:d9^ 2]^?^c3 2]c^ccd]d]d? d]d@]@c:c:c:dc@]dc@]@]c^c 39]d9c^c:3 3c^@]@]:]@]@]^c@]]@]^c:c^c9^]d9^]@]@]?: c]d]93 39]d9cd9d9c3 3(]cd9c^?^cd?^c^?d9c@]d?c:c:c:c@c9d?]c^c:cc ]@]@]c^c]93 39]c]@]d:c:c^?3 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" =9]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d]d] c^dd]d^dd]dd9:dd 2@]@9d9@]@9d9@]@9d9@]@9d9d c^dd]d^ ]dd9:dd ^dccd]d <2^?]d9d]?]d9d]?]d9d]?]d]@] he new. POWER USER TIP: One of the best things you can learn is to "componentize" your scripts. What this means is that if you have many scripts that need to sort by a certain field then you will want to create a script solely for performing that sort. Think of it this way, you make a script called [Sort by Last Name] and the only step that you put in that script is a step that sorts by the last name field. You then have access to "call" that script from within any other script usin g the Perform Script script step. This is powerful because when, and if, you change the sort order of that script by adding say a second sort of first name then each script that calls that script will automatically be updated because you updated the script that is called - and don't have to go into each script that has a sort by last name included. The update is global in nature to all of the other scripts that "call" that one sort script. ------------------------------------------- you want to isolate then finding all records will ensure that you have the whole database found. Since the Find Omitted will pull up those records that are "put away" all you need to do is put away the current record that you are on. This is done with the Omit step. When Find Omitted is performed it finds that single record that was omitted and then omits all of the rest of the records. Very useful when you need to work on just he one record and very quick too. --------------------------- ---------------- Omit - Here again we have one of those steps that doesn't get too much play in your scripts. However, it does have its place, such as in the previous example of isolating a record. The Omit will do what it says, omit a record. I tend to think of this as "put away". For some users, when a record goes away, as it appears when one is omitted, they sometimes think that it is gone for good! There are some instances when a looping script will use the Omit to "put ,2-2323WW323W32, 232-2,W2W2 WW]W3VWV +,22W3W] ]W2,W WV2W]^ ,22W3P WVWW^ Q2PWV ,2P,, ,,2VW WW]W,W],,W2W] 2WW]W]W]] W2,,-2WW]XWW]X WW23W W$V3]WW^ W32,2W32W]WW2, +,,2, ,33]^]3]] ,,2239W 49433] W]^]^W]W2+ 9493] 2,22,, 3?W]]^ W]2%,,% 2W]W2W PV,,W ,P,,V VWW2W WP,VWV ,2,,WW^ ,PWW,,WWV !%,WWV 2+,3V, WV,VW VVW2, WVW2,2,2-W2 3VW2P2 ++,,PV ,2VWWV,,2P2,WW]W23V3,32W 2,,W,,W ,2,2WW]W WW]W] WWVV,W WVWV,V VP2VWW ,$VWW 3,,+,V, ,PV2P 2,232,, 2,,WW +,22W]W W]3,,2 2,2-23W332, WV2++ W]W3W2,2^ VP2P,+ +,,2WW3 ,/%,2, +,V,W VWV,W +,V3,,2 +,VWV ,,23WW]W]] +,23W]^]^ WW2,+ ,2WW]^ ^^]]^]3] ,232, 3232, +,VW]] ^]]X]X]^ 2+,2W] ,,2WWV,2 +,WW]] ^]W3]33W